Bold public sex [MF]

Last summer my future wife and I got drunk then went to “Battle Axes,” which is a recreational axe throwing establishment. I think we went somewhere cute for dinner before that but I remember throwing axes for sure. This particular place is always special for us, and true to form this happened just as we left.

The place that one throws axes is located in an underdeveloped area of the city but still in an urban area. One of the lots next to this place was just grass, and it’s probably 250 yards wide, basically huge. We were feeling frisky so I said something like, “, car sex sounds? Thoughts?” I don’t remember exactly what she said in response, but next thing I know, I’ve parked in the far back corner of this lot.

We’re probably 150 feet from the road, but it feels safe. I shut the car off and walk around to the passenger side. She pulls her jeans and panties all the way down and slides into the back seat. I step up to the door frame, unbuckle and drop my pants. She leans over and pulls my dick into her throat with her hand pulling me deeper. I’m already a little hard, so I quickly get ready to go and tell her to turn around and get close to the edge.

Best lunch ever [MF]

I’ll try to keep this as brief as possible but I tend not to use one word when five will do so bear with me.

Anyway, my future wife did something out of the blue a couple weeks ago that’s just too awesome not to brag about on her about.

For context, she’s a 25yo biochemist so she’s essential and still goes to work every day. I’m a 32yo epidemiologist that’s been working from home going on a month and a half. I like, really miss pants.

Anyway, Thursday before last (I think), I took a break around lunchtime and got really quite high (weed, not actual drugs). As I’m picking my laptop back up, I hear a “BAM BAM BAM” at the door, which naturally, is unlocked. I panic quietly for a second then scramble to hide the weed paraphernalia and cautiously open the door. I slowly poke my head out, praying it’s not a cop or crazy ex.

It’s my girl. Who lives here. ?

I try to play off how high my heartrate just was and say something to the extent of, “Baby you can just you know, come in. You scared the shit out of me. I thought you were either a cop or an ex.” I realize while I’m speaking that was her plan.

The best public sex I’ve ever had [MF]

Once upon a time.. last year, my future wife and I decided to hit up a bar by her house on a random weeknight. This was fairly early on in our dating history; first 3-4 months.

The bar is an Irish pub in this beautiful building that’s on the state (maybe national?) historic registry on Main Street in the large town she lives in.

We go in, have a few drinks, then explore the upstairs, which apparently used to be used for meetings and other professional things people used to do in bars 200 years ago.

The bathroom is across from the landing, we poke around a bit and see a room with darts and decide to play. We get through a few turns before I notice what she’s wearing under her dress when she bends over to pick up a dart. Nothing.

We’ve been kissing between turns and doing other annoying couple things. I don’t remember exactly what I said, but I made some mischievous comment about loving the view.