Moving day part two (MF)

I slowly open my eyes and rollover, to my surprise there you are. Your beautiful golden hair messily strewn around your face, your gorgeous smile barely visible to me. I slowly run the palm of my hand from your shoulders, down your back, over your sexy ass, and then down each of your . As I bring my hand back up, I run it along the inside of each of your thighs, feeling the heat still coming from between your legs, instantly reminding me how much desire I have for you.

I climb further under the blankets with you, straddling your warm, naked body and I lean my head down until my lips touch the base of your neck and I give you a kiss. It’s slow, with the smallest hint of my tongue touching your skin and I see you shudder just slightly. I pull away and then slowly make my way down your spine, taking my time to kiss my way down and slowly caress each side of your body with my hands, gently massaging and savoring the incredible feeling of being this close to you.

Moving day part one (MF)

Moving day Part one:

I know that you are stressed beyond belief lately, you can’t help but boil over from time to time. Tonight you called my crying your eyes out, saying you couldn’t handle all these changes in your life. New school, new house, and your new job all at one time was just too much. You wanted to stop any of it that you could, and you didn’t care what anyone else had to say.

I dropped everything to come over. You had to know how much everyone loves you, your coworkers and classmates all know you to be brilliant and the life of any hang out. I had to tell you how well loved you are. When I got to your new place and saw how much you have left to move in, I made sure to unpack what i could while i poured us some of your new favorite wine. After a few glasses you start to see what I am saying, but for some reason you aren’t looking me in the eyes anymore. I catch you watching me move your heavier stuff around, something you’ve never done.

Netflix and chill with (M)y best (F)riend

Netflix and chill with (m)y best (f)riend

I can’t wait to see you next. We have gotten so close over the last little while that all I can do is miss you constantly. After so long of talking, sharing, and helping each other through hard times we finally got together just the two of us.

Once I got to your house we had a couple or margaritas and talked about how crazy life has been lately. We both feel tired but love the feeling of having someone understand what is going on and get closer to each other and snuggle up on the small couch while we watch a stupid rom-com together. As your head rests against my chest you can feel my chest rise and fall with my breathing, by heart kick up faster whenever you look me in the eye, and you wrap your hands around my tensed arm that’s holding you against me.

As we snuggle you get close up against me until I’m holding you tight, spooning you from behind while we talk and laugh together. You squeeze my arm and then hear my heart start to race *thump thump thump* and all I can do is think about you so close to me.