[MF] [Update] I just fucked my friend who’s in a relationship

I didn’t provide an update to my previous post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/4b2gvv/i_just_fucked_my_friend_whos_in_a_relationship/) as frankly, it wasn’t worthwhile posting to gws.

To summarise my relationship with Steph, guilt washed over her in the weeks after our first encounter. For months I regarded our fling as a once in a blue moon opportunity, never to be repeated or spoken of again. To say I was bewildered when I saw her caller ID flash half a year later is an understatement. Steph told me how she had yearned for that orgasmic feeling ever since, how she’s tried with Vance to replicate but failed. Knowing where this was going, I was deadest on reminding Steph the feelings of guilt she harboured last time.

Until she hit me with ground breaking news. Vance was OK for Steph to explore her sexual desires as long as he was in the loop.

I could have reported our encounters since, but the magic simply could not be conveyed into words.

Not until this event.

I just fucked my friend who’s in a relationship

Steph and I were never together. We were friends when she was single and I was in a relationship, and from being just friends we grew closer and were very comfortable with each other, to the stage of cuddling on her sofa to sleep with a movie on. We realised we had gone too far and had to stop, and it had been a year since I last saw her.

Fast forward to yesterday. From facebook I knew she had found a mate, and more than anything I was happy for her. I was doing the groceries when I heard my name from behind me in her all too familiar voice, and as I turned around lo and behold Steph was scuffling up towards me with a trolley half full of goodies. We exchanged pleasantries and agreed to catch up over dinner at the local joint we used to hang around.

I arrived at 7 as we had agreed upon and when she was no-where to be seen at 7.15 I had thought she changed her mind. Just as I was about to give her a buzz the restaurant door chimed and I saw her all too familiar figure walk in. She always dressed well and tonight was no different; a blouse that had her top 3 buttons undone and a dark blue skirt that showed off her slender legs.