The night I became a unicorn [FFM]

I’d been talking to this couple for a month now, and we’d met once before, but tonight was the night that we were finally going to do the deed — the long awaited threesome.

I’d had a glass of rose before I left my apartment, so the gin and tonic I ordered at the bar was already my second drink of the night, meaning I was feeling friendly and chatty.

“I love your eyes,” the husband gushed in his French accent. It was a sentiment he’d expressed a few times during our first meeting, but I don’t tire of compliments :)

During our time at the restaurant, the three of us talked and laughed and shared desserts. The husband kept rubbing his leg against mine, and a few times, his hand would caress my thigh and he would smirk at me. Our waiter and other restaurant patrons were definitely looking. I blushed but I was enjoying it, so I hope they enjoyed the show.

I had three G&Ts by the time we left the bar, so I was pretty tipsy by that point. The husband languidly smoked a cigarette as we walked the few blocks to my apartment.

A wild night with a fellow Redditor [FM]

Last night, I went over to a stranger’s home.

We’d been messaging online for almost a week at that point. He lived only a few minutes down the road, and though I was excited, I was nervous.

I knocked on the door.

“Come in!”

And I was inside his apartment. I greeted his dog with a friendly scratch on the head and set my bag down. He offered me a cranberry vodka and made one for himself as well, and we chatted cordially for a few minutes in the kitchen. Soon enough, we moved to the couch, where we took turns taking hits off his vape. It was strong, and I could feel my head clouding. He put his arm around me and I leaned against him, suddenly aware we were making contact.

“You don’t look 38.” I said. He thanked me for saying so.

“Have I told you how hot you are? You are so fucking hot. Jesus. Are you really 24?” He asked, looking me up and down.

“Yeah. I don’t look 24?”

He rolled his eyes. “Come on. No, you don’t look 24. You look young. And sweet.”

a brief story about how my [F] first time having sex while high

so i’d told this guy on monday that i just wanted to be friends. it was done. i was okay with never hooking up with him again. then on thursday we’re texting and flirting a bit and he basically proposes we keep hooking up. i would’ve thought he’d be too sensitive for that kind of thing so i was like, “yeah i’m down. i like being undressed by you.”
and he responds “i like undressing you. sounds like this could be a fun night.”
me: “you like a lot more than undressing me.”
him: “guilty. but i could say the same about you…”
me: “prove it.”
him: “it’s a little difficult for me to replicate the sounds you make ;)”
me: “shut up. you love it.”
him: “oh yes. yes i do.”

so obviously after that, i couldn’t stop thinking about hooking up with him. finally it’s friday night and he comes over and we smoke and immediately start making out. it gets hot and heavy real fast and we move to the bedroom and as he’s entering me i say, “i’ve been thinking about fucking you all day.” and he rolls his eyes and slides in and says, “more like all week.”