The Age of Blackstone – Ride the Storm, pt3

Without hesitation, there was a roar, a rumble and crack of lightning that heralded the Storm’s leap onto Blackstone. He had no time to catch his breath as the air around him chilled to the point that it hurt to breathe. The elemental slammed him to the misty ground. Even with his superhuman physique, the armored warrior was nearly crushed by the pounce.

The Storm began to grind herself against Blackstone. He felt a growing warmth surging from between her legs. If she were human, this would be expected – her juicy mound would be slicking and wet. Yet the Storm was a being who was a force of nature. Her sexual warmth was like the growing heat of a sun, her moisture was like an approaching rain.

Knowing the key was in satisfying the creature and surviving, the warrior lunged his head forward, burying his face in-between her large, jiggling bosom. Her electric nipples had an ozone flavor to them but the warrior sucked them all the same. They swelled and hardened in his mouth. The Storm began to moan in passion. Her wetness began to pour down his armored leg. Just when she loosened her powerful grip, the man took the opportunity.

The Age of Blackstone – Ride the Storm, pt2

Fort was rebuilding from the attack. New roofs were being installed. The gargantuan gates were being

Inside the barely standing town hall, the locals were meeting. Sabuk was seated before the entire room.

Blackstone stood in the room. He listened to seemingly endless debate and incessant arguing. The armored wandered turned and shifted in his stance as if he could find no comfort.

Sabuk smiled at the giant man’s growing impatience.

Finally, Blackstone had had enough.

“Your problem is an elemental.”

“A what?”

“An elemental, a type of entity which appeared during the Third Age, the Manifestation. Normally they appear for a short period of time and return to the ethereal world from whence they came. But this one…I believe she is trapped.”

Manning’s brow furrowed.


Blackstone’s horn-helmeted head nodded. His eyes simmered.

“Yes, and I believe it is through massive energy generated by a human being that this ‘Storm’ can free herself of this realm and return home.”

Manning frowned up even more.

“Massive energy?”

“Sexually. She is claiming your males not out of tribute but, through her madness, she is trying to go home.”

The Age of Blackstone – Ride the Storm, pt1

This is a new age – dark and brutal, woven with the shadow of the 21st century world. Earth has grown into a savage place where the age of man was usurped by the rise of the undead, the invasion of *those from the stars, the awakening of the beyond things and the ascension of the machines.*

*The skies parted, angels descended and demons rose, whole cities turned to sand while other metropolises swelled to greatness. In these times of sorcery and mad science, one fierce and mysterious wanderer’s tales are legendary.*

*They call him Blackstone.*


The cold of the mist-filled place bit at the man’s naked back. But he did not focus on the chill but on the warm wetness of the ethereal female he attempted to please. He nearly lost himself in the rhythm of pumping his fullness inside of her. She moaned, he enjoyed it, nearly smiling as he slid her large, plump nipples into his mouth. They tasted like the charge in the air.

He relished the warmth of her large round bosoms. He clutched her hips, sliding and feeling the thickness of her ample backside – using it to grip and give him more force with each pump. He could feel the heaviness growing in his sack, any moment he would empty himself into her.