How [m]y love of femdom started.

So without giving away too much about my age, I reached the age of sexual curiosity at the perfect time. Broadband had just become a thing, porn was available seeminly on tap, and MSN messenger was at its peak.

Back then it seemed people would just randomly add you or vice versa so your contact list ended up being a handful of friends and then 100s of strangers. Anyway, I got chatting to a girl somehow and for a few months it was pretty tame, normal stuff. Type of music we like, what subjects we were studying etc. What fascinated me about this girl the most though is she was happy to admit to me that she was bi. Being reasonably anonymous I guess she felt comfortable sharing the secret.

Similarly, I had been experimenting with a close male friend and I’d never told anyone about it. Taking this as my chance to get some perspective on it I told her. This naturally led to lots of conversations about what we liked about guys and girls, what we’d done with either, what we wanted to try etc. And pretty soon we almost exclusively spoke about sex / general dirty things.

[MF] How the affair with a girl I managed at work started [cheating]

Other than one brief comment reply, I’ve never shared this story with anyone. Due to the cheating I tried to bury the events of this story deep inside me but in private these have been some of the best sexual moments in my life, they’ve certainly fueled many wanks, and I finally feel like anonymously sharing.

To set the scene I’m the guy and was 25 at the time. I was the manager of a small company, real family run type of place – I was in better shape then than I am now 5 years later. I was reasonably slim but naturally toned, had a stronger jaw line and was really doing well in my role. I was tasked with interviewing and hiring a new member of staff and a tall, slender blonde of 23 came in to interview. At the time I could see she was objectively very attractive but based the decision to hire her on her good experience and general confidence during the meeting.