The Wayside Succubus – Part 1 [F/Tentacles][Triple Penetration][Succubus][Fantasy][Cum]

Another gusty breeze began to rattle the leaves on the trees ahead. Elise was on her horse and could feel the chill coming before it swept across her face and fought to bite at her pale skin beneath her clothing. She shivered when it reached her in spite the heavy traveler’s cloak wrapped around her. She hated the cold. It gnawed at her skin until it was numb and reminded her of how far she was from home.

But she didn’t mind thinking of home. Those were happy thoughts. *Very* happy thoughts. Elise was from The Wayside, a world filled with succubi and incubi. Two soft red suns raced around her planet, which kept it gloriously warm most of the time. Her people lived simply. There wasn’t a need for things like “work” or “chores” when you could spend every day having wild, kinky sex. Instead, primitive huts were scattered across open fields of sagegrass – all surrounding a wooden longhouse where the chieftess lived. At least in her village.