A Long Train Ride Part 2 [MF] [40s 50s] [Edging] [Discrete] [CFCM]

I woke around 3 am. She was still asleep and was sitting directly across from me as she moved over so she could lean against the window. I watched her sleep, remembering the look in her eyes. Her feet were pulled up onto the seat next to her and I couldn’t help staring at them, still amazed at what they did to me, what she did to me. I wanted so badly to reach across and touch her, but discretion was required here. While no one sat across the aisle from us, there were numerous travelers spread throughout the car.

Finally, she stirred and caught me watching her.

“Well good morning sleepy” I said with a smile.

“Mmmm..Thanks. I stayed up a bit late last night for some reason” she retorted. “I’m still so sleepy. But just can’t seem to get comfortable here.”

“You could move over here and lean against me if you like. For all these people know, you could be my wife and they’d think nothing about it.” I turned my back to the window, placing a pillow behind me and throwing a leg up on the seat in front of me. I patted the seat with my hand, “Come on over. It’s the least I can do.”

A Long Train Ride [MF] [40s50s] [Edging]

I often fly from Chicago to Dallas for work related seminars. On this occasion, I decided to change it up and take the train. I had not been on one since I was a kid, but my memories of the experience were pleasant. I could use the down time that the nearly 22 hours of travel would take and brought several books that I had been wanting to read. The conference started on Friday night and ended Saturday afternoon, so I scheduled my return ride for Sunday afternoon, giving me an additional full day to use as I pleased.

I boarded the train at 6 pm and selected a seat at the back of the car. The seats were arranged in groups of four on each side of the isle two seats facing forward and two back so that families, I assume, can sit facing each other. The seats I selected had no one else in that section, but the train was still filling, so I wasn’t expecting to be alone.

Getting and Staying There – [MF] [50s] [Edging] [Conference]

While attending a conference, I met a woman in her mid 50s, about my age, who sat at my table while we listened to the Friday night keynote speaker. My university had sent me to this conference for department chairs. We paired up for a breakout session to discuss some questions and we really seemed to hit it off. The session ended at 8 pm and the next session was not until 9 am the next morning.

I asked if she had plans for the evening as I knew neither of us were local. She indicated that she did not and asked me if I’d like to walk around downtown with her as she did not want to walk by herself. I agreed and said I’d just like to go back to my hotel room to change into jeans and comfortable shoes. She wanted to do the same, so we headed out. We walked to the same elevator and exited on the same floor. She was only a few rooms down from mine.

After changing, we met in the hallway and headed back down to the ground floor and out onto the crowded street, full of pedestrians, some local, and many from out of town.