sugar daddy watches 21f SB
I am a sugar daddy and love to find sugar babies on line and lead them into extra naughty behavior. My name is Bill.
Actually William but you know
It is very easy, as most girls that post on sites looking for SD types are very sexual to start with.
Normally, I arrange to meet the young lady at Starbucks or Panera : then if they are interested and I am interested. We drive to someplace private in my MB S class – make out and the girl gives me a blow job.
If she’s hot and fun , I arrange an evening date,
So one hot experience I had with a girl named Cathy is so good, I felt like sharing it.
Typical first meeting , I like Cathy and she blows me in a parking lot behind a Publix close to the Panera. She is cute, just turned 21, very short, like 5’, small with little tits and waist and ass,
Very horny little slut.
I arrange to have a hotel date with her in Melbourne FL – she shows up and is dressed really cute. Flowered dress and tennis shoes.