Usual housekeeping, names are change etc. I’m also not the best with grammar or spelling so forgive me.
I never thought I’d be in this position and can’t stop thinking about it with the holidays coming up.
For the last few years my wife and I have always gone away for new years with a few of our friends who also have kids. Typically we all chip in on a larger Airbnb fitting 4 couples all with two kids each and split meals up to make it so each couple only has to cook one dinner during the trip so it’s mostly bbq’s or larger dishes like mac’n’cheese.
So this is the story, last year due to everyone’s holiday dates, it worked out that me and one of the wife’s from another couple (Laura) took a van and trailer with everyones gear up the day before to make it as stress free as possible. It was great not to have screaming kids in the car and Laura and I haven’t really spent much one on one time so it was great to get to know her better.