Life is short .. make it sweet

My boyfriend and I took a road trip this Spring – out to the hilly beautiful country where he used to go hunting. He wanted to show me some of his memories and I was looking forward to some quality time together.

I love riding with him – it’s such a turn-on to watch him behind the wheel of that big black hunk of sexy steel – to hold his hand and stroke his fingers .. to listen to him tell stories .. and to know that we might find a spot to pull over so we can take the edge off the hot tension we always build up when we are together.

As we got closer to the river, the road was winding and climbing. The timber was thicker and beautiful, and we came across a very old cemetery up on a hill. It was mostly hidden but he knew it was there. He pulled up the steep narrow drive and we got out to walk around.

Some days you’re just alive and some days you’re LIVING [FM]

I remember the exact moment it hit me how fast time goes by, and that if there were things missing in my life I’d better get right on it. One of the most important things was some REALLY great sex – not the bland stuff I’d had with my ex-husband the last 20 some years, but the amazing, wild, heart-pounding, passionate kind – the kind of white-hot fun sex that reminds us that we are still very much alive …

So I made you a rather bold offer – and I wasn’t expecting you to take me up on it, but you did. And now I’m quite sure I’m very much alive every single day ..

Today I’m sitting at my desk at work, and my eyes drift down to my forearm and I can see little red marks where my teeth sunk into my own flesh to muffle my screams… I smile, remembering how they got there.