The Business Deal (MF)(bd)(Mdom)(interr)(nc)(oral)(piv)(reluc)(voy)(wife)

Ben and Patricia are a middle aged couple, and happily married for 15 years, Patricia was a teacher and Ben owned his own small business making a product and it was a growing business, still just making a small profit but it was a profit! Ben shipped all over the country and had several customers that made large orders from him, but one in particular was his biggest customer, his name was Cam, and he was in Atlanta, several hundred miles away from where Ben’s company was, about a year ago he was on the phone with Cam and talking over a order and at the end of the call, Cam said that he had been on Patricia’s Facebook page and he just wanted to see our family pictures, he went on and on about how pretty Patricia was, Ben thought it was a little weird but he said thank you for the compliment, and how he knows that he was a lucky man and left it at that, Cam usually would call in orders a couple times a month and Ben started noticing that Cam would always bring up Patricia, asking Ben to tell her things like he was sorry for putting so much work on Ben and keeping him busy all the time, and taking time away from her, things like that, after a while he started to feel like Cam had a thing for Patricia but he didn’t worry about it, I mean he lives 500 miles away so Ben just let it keep going

Searching (MF)

This is a true story, we are looking for the guy my wife met at a bar in Dallas. This is her story.

She went to Dallas with her friends for the weekend and they had shopped all day, when they were finished they all went out to dinner and decided they would go to the bar by their hotel, they all were drinking and having a good time without their husbands and they were all flirting with the guys in the bar, Patricia was very drunk and she was talking and flirting with a guy at the bar and she doesn’t remember everything that happened, she remembers her friends trying to get her to stay with them but he apparently had gotten her extremely horny, she also remembers getting to his room and making out and getting undressed and from that point on she doesn’t remember much until she woke up in his hotel room naked the next morning, he was still sleeping and she hurried out to her room embarrassed at the time, she can’t remember his name and she knows they had a good time because of the tell tell signs all over her, now she wants to know who he was and what happened that night and so do I, it is a huge turn on knowing that she had a one night stand and knowing her and alcohol, I’m sure the guy will never forget that night. Patricia is 5 foot 4 inches , 110 lbs. and has short brunette hair and brown eyes, great tits and a very sexy body and freckles, they were in town from Shreveport and she would have rode you like there was no tomorrow, if this was you, or if you have any information it will be appreciated

Friend turns my wife into a hotwife, The Neighbor heard! part 2 (MFM)(cons)(interr)(oral)(piv)(wife)

After the evening activities Ben and Patricia had with Tommy, the couple woke up the next morning, a little moonstruck at what happened the night before but also satisfied in a strange new way, Ben felt like Patricia had emerged from her cocoon and seemed more comfortable with herself, and Ben isn’t going to start lying to himself now, even though it had made him uncomfortable at first, he really did enjoy seeing his wife let her hair down so to speak.The morning rolled on like any other morning, they both seemed to have a little spring in their step, Patricia got busy straightening up the house and Ben went out to get the yard taken care of for the week. Their neighbor Terrence was out doing the same and they swapped waves to each other as they continued their work.

Friend turns my wife into a hotwife (MFM)(cons)(oral)(piv)(wife)

It had been a long week for Ben and Tommy, they have been working together for a couple of years now in construction and remodeling, they had gotten to know each other pretty well in that time, sharing stories and cutting up on the jobs. Ben had been married to Patricia now for 7 years and Tommy had no plans on giving up his single life, he was a good looking man, and women always seemed to just fall all over him, and he liked it that way, why mess up a good thing he always said.

Now the week was finished and it was time to unwind, they had planned to get together that evening at Ben and Patrica’s house for a home cooked meal, Ben had brought it up to Patricia earlier in the week and she was okay with it, she figured that poor single guy could use a good homemade dinner, but she told him that he better make Tommy behave, see he is what you might call a prankster and flirt! He agreed and the plan was set.

Back to nature part 3 (MF)(cons)(exhib)(piv)(rom)(wl)

Their minds and body’s were on fire, he had never seen her this lost in passion, watching her “let go” like never before, and it had done something to him, something primal, something long forgotten, but now awakened, the subtle little sounds she was making, it was like a language long forgotten but now rekindled, speaking to him, and beckoning him to satisfy her, they were aching for each other like never before, the new sensations they were feeling, to be this free, to let themselves be taken over by their passions like this, and as his hand was moving back up her inner thigh, she brought her hands down from her hair and she slid her feet back lifting her knees, opening herself up to his touch, he moved his hand up her thigh, slowly, getting ever so close to the spot that her mind is begging for him to touch, and then it comes, his hand is finally there, he pauses for just a moment, and she takes a deep breath in anticipation, then just as his fingers begin to explore her, he leans over her and kisses her softly, he feels her hand slide down between the two of them and reaches what she was searching for, she wraps her hand around it and squeezes him tightly letting him know they were both now ready to come together and bring their passions to fulfillment.

Back to nature part 2 (MF)(cons)(exhib)(piv)(rom)(wl)

But now that morning was here! Everything was set and the weather was perfect, it was late summer and a early cool front had passed through during the night, it was a wonderful 69 degrees with a gentle breeze, there was a thin layer of ground fog, hanging just above the ground adding a mysterious, romantic feel to the morning, so with all the stars lining up he decided this was the time, he got up and took her hand while she was sitting on the couch and looked into her eyes and said I need you to come with me, she got up with a puzzled look on her face and he led her out the back door and towards the field.

Back to nature part 1 (MF)(cons)(exhib)(piv)(rom)(wl)

Sitting in his chair, watching the morning news, waiting for the work day to begin, Ben hears Patti’s alarm go off, she hits the snooze button like the hundreds of mornings before, oh just five minutes more he imagines are her thoughts, it goes off again and she reluctantly gives up her sleep. He hears the bathroom door close and the shower turn on and he knows she is slipping out of her nightgown, revealing herself, that woman that has filled his dreams and fueled his fantasies, is now is getting into the shower, he hears the shower door close, and now the warm water is covering her, and his mind begins to wander, he knows how sexy his wife’s body is and how envious he is of the water, if only he could wrap himself around her like that. He pictures the water running over her, every droplet slowly gliding over her skin, finding places to cling too, running down her breast, gently holding on to her, unwilling to release its grip but inevitably letting go and quickly being replaced by another fortunate drop, oh how he wishes he could be one of those lucky water drops right now. But now the shower is over and she steps out, drying herself and getting dressed for the day, for Patti, dressing is a art form, she always has something that catches his attention and captures his imagination, something that’s modest and sexy all rolled up in one beautiful package. What a woman he thinks, knowing what those clothes gently cover, he knows just how lucky a guy he is, she walks into the kitchen and gets her coffee and heads to the living room where Ben is waiting to see what she has come up with this morning, and she doesn’t disappoint, it’s a bright yellow sundress, and he has always loved seeing her in one of those, they seem to make her figure stand out even more, and that color, wow! She was a shapely 5 ft 4 brunette, with big brown eyes, and those red lips, the kind of lips that just make you want to kiss them, among other things… she sits down on the couch ready to read her email and enjoy her coffee, totally unaware of what Ben has planned for them, she thinks it’s just like any other Saturday morning, but this isn’t going to be like “any other morning”