Meeting for the First Time in a Year [M/F] Part 1

Prelude here.

So we're in the pool, still entangled and kissing. We're starting to elicit a few amused glances from the people around us. I break the kiss and tell her we should go back up to my place, to which she agrees enthusiastically. After waiting a few minutes to let the cold water work its magic on my hard member, we towel off and briskly walk to the elevators. Now, the elevator situation in my building can be less than ideal during peak hours. We waited agonizing minutes for one to arrive. By the time it showed up, a small group of fellow passengers had queued up.

Sarah and I step in first, press the button for my floor, and scoot to the back. She stands in front of me, a damp towel around her waist. I grab her hips and pull her back into me as the rest of the people file in and select their floor. Shit, I think. I live on the 20th floor, and it seems everyone else lives on a lower floor. This was going to take forever. Finally, the elevator is moving up, torturously slow toward our destination. I grip her waist urgently as we make our ascent, squeezing my hands each time a passenger disembarks. Closer and closer to 20 we go, and I can see the excitement gleaming from her eyes in the door's reflection.

Meeting for the First Time in a Year [M/F] Prelude

This story is lot of introduction with just a tease of the true wildness to come in the last few paragraphs. I do intend to finish, but the writing process is taking some time and I wanted to gauge interest. I'm definitely going to wrap up this story in another post, but if I get good feedback I may share some other stories I have. Feedback and constructive criticism more than welcome.

My name is Jack. I'm your typical young professional living in a pretty big city. 6'2 with a lean/athletic build (think swimmer). I'm a mixed-race guy with short black hair, brown eyes and light brown skin. Some say I have an intense look about my eyes, but my smile is very disarming. My jaw is covered in a perpetual five o'clock shadow.

I met Sarah about this time last year when she moved to my town for college. We matched up on tinder, met for lunch and had sex all within a 16 hour span. At the time, she was 18 and I was 27, but the age difference didn't phase either of us. We had an amazing chemistry that felt so effortless and natural. We met a few more times before business took me out of town for about a month. Unfortunately, she got herself into a relationship in that time, and I thought things were done between us. As it turns out, I was wrong.