[FM] The Arrangement Part II

It’s funny how Craigslist can provide an unlimited source of entertainment on dull, lonely nights. Maybe I was crazy or maybe I was just feeling frisky but tonight felt like one of those nights that needed some…spicing up. I gear up my fingers for a long winded post about me and what I was hoping to find and the sort of people I was hoping to connect with this evening. I’d tell you what I posted but I’ll spare you the boring details. Just like last time, I received a flood of messages, mostly ones filled with unsolicated male phallus photos or ones that said “hey”. Hey yourself. K cool. I groaned in frustration. I was secretly hoping to get lucky like last time. The last guy came on my tits in the middle of a baseball diamond so I’m not sure what else I could get out of this crazy site. Another email came into my inbox. I clicked on it not expecting anything but another lame response. The writing looked familiar and the way he worded his sentences all seemed like I’ve seen this paragraph before. Then, I had a dawning moment. It was the same guy as before, A. It kinda excited me knowing that he responded not knowing it was me. I sent him a quick reminder of who I was.

[FM] The Arrangement

I met him off Craigslist. I wasn’t looking for anything in particular but I posted a personals ad looking for friends. I was bored and I needed entertainment. Skimming through all the replies was tiring but I sent a reply to a few. *ding* My inbox chimed as I received notification of a new email. His response was short but sweet.


“Hey, I saw you post and I promise I read the whole thing and I can definitely say most of it is also true for myself. I know what it’s like to work the hours that you do and how hard it can be for you to meet someone to connect with. I’m a down to earth guy who’s just looking to meet new friends as well. I haven’t had much luck so I thought to myself, what the hell lets go for it. I hope you give me a chance, you won’t regret it. – A”


I felt a genuine vibe from the message so I responded back in a positive and upbeat manner.


[FF] Our Secret Part 5 (final)

I am sorry it took so long to get this final chapter up! Thank you to those who have been following this series. I promise this won’t be the last series I write.


[Click here for Part 4] (https://redd.it/5pcz29)

[FF] I Watched My Best Friend

I knock on the door and wait patiently for an answer. Nothing. No footsteps on your creaky hardwood floor, no shuffling of your house slippers, no crash of anything. You said you’d be home after 5pm. I look at my phone, pressed the button and it lit up:*5:30pm*. I knew you weren’t one for punctuality but half an hour? COME ON! I tried the doorknob hoping by some miracle it was opened. To my surprise, it was. Uh…I thought to myself. Did someone break in? I stepped in warily, unsure of what to expect. I was armed with my cellphone in one hand and Chinese takeout in the other. I look around for a weapon but the closest thing I could find was a wine bottle. *Of course*, I thought. I put down the takeout in exchange for the bottle. Slowly, I crept through the apartment as I peek warily around each corner. I thought I was being stealthy until I almost fell face first into the floor. What the hell!! I looked down and saw your work heels sprawled on the floor messily. *Ok, this was ridiculous. I now know you’re home but where the fuck are you!?*. I had a shitty day and all I wanted to do was sit on the couch and bitch about it. I put everything down on the counter. I gave up playing detective since the bathroom was just steps away. Casually, I glanced towards your bedroom door which was left ajar and I almost let out a surprised yelp.

[FF] Our Secret Part 1

About 4 years ago I went through a really bad break up and I was looking for whatever I could get to soothe the hurt and betrayal I was feeling. So I turned to online dating as a way to get the attention I was lacking in my life. I met a couple of people but they pretty much all flopped because we were either not compatible or they ghosted or there was just a lack of Interest. Then one day, I finally met someone who was cool but I wasn’t sexually attracted to her and I thought to myself, “awesome! New friends”. We hit it off and found conversation really easy and fun.


Fast forward a year or so.


[FF] Our Secret Part 2

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/4ul9bq/our_secret_part_1/)

Part 2 is just a bit of a filler and a backstory. Part 3 coming shortly!

He sets his things down and proceeds to remove his jacket. “How was work babe?” She asks. “It was alright. Nothing exciting.” He shrugs. Peter shuffled to the bedroom to change out of his work clothes. “You moved fast.” She teases me. I just roll my eyes at her. I got a major jolt to my system and everything that has happened in the last *checks watch* 3 hours is replaying in my head over and over.


“What have you girls been up to today?”
“We went for brunch. Had a couple drinks and maybe a couple more.” She giggled.
“Oh boy. Staying outta trouble I hope?”
“Trouble? US?” I put on my best appalled face.
He laughed.
“You two are pretty hammered” he notes.
“I have no clue what you’re talking about” she replies innocently then bursts out laughing.


[FF] Our Secret Part 3


[Click here for Part 1](https://redd.it/4ul9bq)

[Click here for Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5pftbz/ff_our_secret_part_2/)

Thank you for your patience! I know it was sorta a tease of me to leave it hanging like that in part 2 but I had to have you on the edge of your seats before I continued. Here we go!
I felt the loss of contact and warmth as she turned and laid flat on her back. Her eyes were trained on me the whole time. I think I saw a flicker of something but I didn’t want to jump to any conclusions. Not just yet.

“What?” I asked gently with a chuckle.
“You is what” she replied.
“Am I doing something wrong?”
She shook her head, signalling no.


[FF] Our Secret Part 4

I know it’s been a while since an update but here we are! I needed a burst of creativity before continuing. Although it’s all TRUE, sometimes I just lose the drive to write it all out. Anyways, here we go!

[Click here for part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/4v31l8/our_secret_part_3/)