Please Stop Ruining Stories

This is more of a rant than a story but it is one with a simple message: stop fucking ruining people's stories!

I have just come back to read this story from yesterday only to find it has been taken down because the comments made the OP feel abused. I'm pretty pissed off at this because it was one of the better stories I've seen on this thread and was actually well written for a change.

Why do people feel the need to pass judgement or tell other people how to live their lives and what makes you guys think you have the right to do that in the first place?

Everyone is entitled to their opinion of course but if it's just going to be a negative one then why not keep it to yourself? A thread like this is bound to have stories of infidelity and cheating etc, if you don't like that then maybe you shouldn't be reading in the first place.

Mods maybe you should update the rules to incorporate some kind of protection for those who post stories so they don't end up feeling so bad that they take their stories down.