… We finaly landed at her friend’s house, walked silently to her room (it was late at night, and she lived with her parents), and closed the door giggling and shooshing each other. The room was mess, as she was leaving it in hurry to our little party. Some clothes lying on a floor, bed still undone. We started to undress my girl. It was quite easy, because she usually went braless. T-shirt went out, pants too. She got only tiny thong almost burried in her pussylips. I was surprised, because I knew that she hated thong. “It’s my birthday, stupid, I needed to dress fancy” she said. “Now, do me, both of you”. We both lied next to her and started licking and sucking her breasts. One for each of us. My darling’s hand quickly gone down to her panties and clit. I ordered her friend to take care of both boobs and went down to lick her. I couldn’t remember her more wet – it was like huge creampie. I grabbed her hard and rise to my mouth (she was really tiny girl, so it was easy to throw her all around the bed during sex, which she enjoyed a lot). She came in seconds, birthday gift was delivered.
Author: walrusfromtheattic
Threeso[m]e [ff]or her birthday.
Quite long time ago, I had a girlfriend who was both younger, and way much more experienced than me. She was a little slutty type of chick, small, perky boobed, almost never bothering to wear a bra under her shirt. A bit crazy, but in positive way.
No biz like the event biz…
Back in the days (quite a lot, actually) I was working as a tech guy for an event company which had few clubs / discos, and also specialized in various themed corpo-parties. Atmosphere was more than loose, crew was mixed (almost 50/50 male/female), and flirting (soft to hard) happened on a regular daily/nightly basis. But the real higlights were parties we threw from time to time for ourselves (with management’s full approval and participation).
Alcohol was totally unlimited, and everybody wanted to release day-to-day (or rather night-to-night) tension, stress and secret fancies. There was only one unwritten rule – if you wanted to fuck, then ok, but get a room. All other sexual activites was more than welcome in club’s open space : )
For starters, one of waitresses, one of the cutiest and prettiest girls I ever met, swaying drunk on her insanely high heels, yelling to everyone “I’m on my period, but it’s still awesome”. I caught lot of my friends literally red-handed that night… :)