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[f]antasizing mind

You call me, ask that favor. I comply. We meet. I handle it.

You don’t quite know how much I grew, for you, in that moment. I had that strength, for you. I’ve literally left my husband hanging with less.

To all the women that might read this: this is becoming an emotional thing. I provided first aid to him. My bedside manner was everything you’d want! At least, it was everything I’d want. Wanted… anyway

Once more we get to chatting. You’re sitting on your bed, I choose the floor, seeming a less desperate mirror move. After a while we get to the couch, all afternoon we played a ‘tug of war’ of space. You slowly moved over as I tried that move. Luckily, and unfortunately for me, this day lead some revealing truths. You shared you do not initiate. Which all I heard is I have to take the lead if I wanted this to happen.