[Comment copied from “Redditors who had a first kiss after 18, what was the experience?” Thus it is not a full blown erotica, but rather some innocent experiences of a first kiss]
Well.. mine is just as I turned 18
Real story: Met a coursemate as a freshman in college and did the crush-turned-couple routine and ended up with her coming to my room. There’s a huge unpalpable chemistry, huge desire for one another – but none of the skills. Both of us are legitimate virgins (sexually and by kisses too).
So it started with us lying on my bed, her pecking on my cheeks and asking me to kiss the side of her lips(she finds that cute). Then she surprised me by lightly kissing me on my lips for the first time and stared at me- I knew she wanted more. So I kissed her and what became of it was two goldfishes fighting. We really were clueless. However, upon googling up wikiHow, we tried the second time in her apartment the next day after class.