A Very Henderson Christmas – Sam’s sister dances pt 4 [m/f][b/s][incest]

Presents, wrapped with paper of a myriad colours, were stacked beneath the tree, which was coiled with tinsel and strings of lights that flickered brightly. More tinsel slung across walls and atop picture frames, an explosion of festiveness.

Christmas has arrived in full force to the Henderson household. Sam beamed as he looked upon the decorations his parents had plastered across the living room, giving the whole place a festive and welcome feel.

“I’m home,” he called out.

Mum bustled in from the kitchen, draping a dish cloth over her shoulder. “Sam, you’re back,” she said, enveloping him in a deep hug. Then she stepped back, examining him at arm’s length.

“Look at you. You’re wasting away, clearly not eating enough.”

“I’m fine, mum,” he said with a grin. “It’s not like I’m eating nothing but bread and cheese at Uni.” If anything, Sam had filled out in the months since he’d been away from home, and the beginnings of an actual beard were on his jaw.

Mum glanced down at the cases by his feet. “I suppose that’s washing, is it?”

He shrugged guilty.

Do Androids Wet-dream? [mf][human/android]

“My chassis is covered by a tri-weave polymer, designed to give the texture of skin to the touch. Would you like to try it?”

The Doll cocked its – *her* – head to the side in a curiously stereotypical fashion.

Rico stretched out a hand, resting the tips of his fingers gently on the bare ‘skin’ of her upper arm. It was cool to the touch; not cold and metallic as he had expected given the segmented nature, but cool. It felt pleasant beneath his touch, felt like skin.

“Do you feel that?” he asked.

“I do,” she replied. “Several thousand minute sensors beneath the epidermis register contact anywhere across my frame, activated by the piezoelectric shell.”

“What does it feel like?”

She cocked her head the other way, and he saw her processing the question. Now he had a moment’s pause, he could see a faint trail of freckles across her nose and cheeks, as if someone had dusted them across her. “It feels like pressure and warmth. There is an odd tingle to the skin in the area around where your hand is.”

Categorized as Erotica

Easy like Sunday – Sam’s sister dances pt 3 [m/f][b/s][incest]

Sunday lunch at the Grey Goose was usually an insanely busy affair. Add on the fact that it was a Bank Holiday, and one of the first halfway decent weekends in a while, and every table in the restaurant was filled to the brim, and the waitlist got longer and longer with each passing moment.

And that was perfectly fine for Sam Henderson. Because the busier the pub was, the more ragged he was run, the more drinks he poured for people, the less he thought about Em. His boss had been grateful that he’d managed to make it in to work, mainly because it meant he could sit in the office all day and not actually cover. Sam had barely made the decision to come in today; he’d much rather spend the time in bed. But, in the end, they’d both realised it made more sense for him to work, so as to not give away that anything had changed in their relationship.

He poured another pint, swiping the customer’s card, then moving on the next group. So busy. No chance to think about his sister’s soft lips, her bright eyes, her velvet hair. No time to let his mind wander to her pert breasts, her tightly toned tummy, the soft curve of her…

The Bank Holiday BBQ – Sam’s sister dances pt 2 [m/f][b/s][inc]

Sam watched his sister as she dozed against him. She lay, spread out like a starfish on her belly, head resting in the crook of his arm, and her arm draped across his chest. He could hear the soft shallowness of her breathing.

His eyes roamed over her naked frame, taking in the soft skin of her back, the firm curve of her ass. He lingered on her peaceful face, lingering on the imperfections that made her perfect. He couldn’t keep the small smile from tugging at the corners of his lips.

After what felt like a long time, Em’s eyes fluttered open and met his. They looked larger than usual and seemed to shimmer.

“Hey,” she said sleepily.

“Hey yourself.”

She stretched lazily, then pressed her lips to his shoulder. Sam brushed a loose strand of hair from her face.

“What time is it?” she asked.

Sam craned around to glance at the bedside clock. “A little after 4.”

Em groaned as she pulled away from him. “I should get ready,” she said. “Karen’s thing is supposed to start in a half hour, and I need a shower and a wardrobe change.”

Sam’s sister dances [m/f][b/s][incest]

It was the last Friday of March, which meant one thing; a three day Bank Holiday weekend. It also meant that Mum and Dad would be away visiting friends for three whole days, leaving Sam and his fraternal twin sister, Em, alone.

Sam helped Dad carry the suitcases out to the car. He wasn’t quite sure why his parents needed so much stuff for a long weekend, but who was he to ask? He was eighteen, and worked full time at the local pub, The Grey Goose, to earn his money, and what two forty-year-olds took on a weekend with them wasn’t his business.

Sam Henderson was tall, with short blond hair that was so pale as to almost be white, with a boyish face that stubbornly refused to grow facial hair. He heaved the case up, sliding it into the boot with the other, and Dad closed the door.

“Got everything you need?” he asked. “Money?”

Sam smiled. “I’m good, thanks Dad.”

“You’re sure?”


“Try to keep yourself out of trouble.”

Sam shook his head. “When have I ever gotten myself into trouble?”

The Tower [MF][Fantasy][long][under the influence]

Free solo climbing a stone tower in the middle of a city was not a skill every person possessed. But Dian Harroca was not every person. Nimble, experienced fingers found every nook and cranny in the stonework, every crumbling piece of mortar. His forearms and thighs ached, protested, but Dian found that small part of himself to retreat into, to ignore the strain and concentrate on moving ever up.

The city of Everhold stretched out far below him, a sprawling warren of streets and buildings of every shape and size. The glistening Ream River sparkled silver and blue to the east, curling and snaking into the distance, dotted with white sails. High above, the three moons stood proud in a clear, star-speckled sky.

Dian ignored it all. His target lay several stories above, and it would not do for him to lose his concentration now. Not when it was so far down. A nasty way to die, that. Old Beric has died that way, his skull cracked open on the cold, unforgiving concrete. The memory sometimes made Dian jolt awake at night.