My 20[M] girlfriend 18[F] broke up with me for two months, lost her virginity to three guys, regretted it and now wants me back

We had been dating for almost two years, but never had sex because she is Muslim and wanted us both to save ourselves for marriage. About a week before our two years anniversary she broke up with me because I wasn’t “the one”.

I was really struggling from the breakup because I love her, so I took my time griefing and had no interest in seeing anyone else. Apparently she felt differently. She started talking to this group of guys, got the birth control pill prescribed, got them and herself tested, shaved her pussy for them upon their request (something she wouldn’t do for me) and then had basically an orgy with them that lasted a whole weekend. Parts of it apparently got filmed by one of them.

Now she contacted me out of nowhere and admitted everything. She said she regrets it deeply and should have never broken up with me in the first place. She wants to get back with me and stay with me.

I’m not sure what to do.