Finishing in a Nurse’s Tight Pussy [M/F]

We started kissing in the kitchen. I was still in my suit from work, a dark navy one with brown oxford shoes and a light brown belt. She had just come from the hospital – but before her shift had ended, she had changed her underwear at my request. For work, doubtless something functional, beige or cream. But now, as I kissed her neck, I could see the top of her B-cup, pink and black lace.

I ran my hand down the curve of her ass, feeling the thong underneath, matching. I knew, because I'd bought them for her. With my left hand, I reached up and lovingly undid her pony tail. I could hear her softly breathing in my ear as my right hand slipped under her hospital scrub and found her perfect stomach. We'd met on OKCupid a few months ago and started hooking up. She had gotten busy on the night schedule at one of the big hospitals in the city, and I had a big case dumped on my desk, so our relationship was largely text based for a while. She would text me quick shots of her in the on-call room, and dirty requests. She wanted to know when I was masturbating, and we'd masturbated together on the phone a few times. We had some basic ideas of boundaries, but I know that she'd been with a few other guys. I'd asked her, over text, to tell me about the encounters.

[F/M] She Let Me Cum on Her Panties

Note: Another in an ongoing series documenting my (sometimes) interesting sex life.

I arrived at the bar early, uncharacteristic for me on first dates. Its always best to keep the girl waiting, give the impression that you have something more important to do. However, for reasons of work, boredom, and my consistent desire to make rules, and then bend and eventually break them – I showed up early and started with whiskey.

She and I had messaged back and forth a few times about standard topics, and agreed to meet. I picked her mostly because she had a bit more edge to her in photographs than other girls. If you're looking for what I'm looking for, small details in the picture – tattoos, booze – are a dead giveaway that she won't be the type of girl occupying a spot at my family's thanksgiving table. We messaged briefly about work – she was a recent grad working at a design firm. A few terse messages later I suggested drinks at a bar in Hell's Kitchen, about halfway between my office and my apartment.

I'd just ordered my second whiskey when she tapped me on the shoulder.

Diary o[f] a Sex Addict: Hooking up with a Redditor fro[m] RAOBJ

Since /u/klr604 decided to post her story, I figured I would tell my side of it – for posterity of course. You can read it here.

Friday afternoon, sitting at work, trying to make the last few hours go away. Browsing reddit, and though it's risky, end up on /r/RandomActsOfBlowJob and happened to see /u/klr604's post. I've never done RAOBJ before – but as people know, I have done the online thing, OKCupid, Tinder, whatever. I figured this wouldn't be all that much different, and maybe more to the point. So I sent a message – the one she has in her post, although she did remove a comment I made about how it looks like we both made our username by using initials. Anyhow, we chatted back and forth and she sent over a picture, no face, neck down, no verification. She was wearing a plain top – and looked fine to me. I was really trying to make sure she wasn't a complete mutant. But as this was happening, her replying, I started to get erect. The thought that after work, I would head to a bar, meet someone, take them back to my place (or go home with them), and then get a lovely blowjob really got me thinking. I had to shift several times in my seat and close the door to my office. With other online dating scenarios, it didn't usually get hot this fast. I thought about leaving the office early and going home to masturbate – but I won myself over, thinking that if it happened, I would have a big load, which would feel great. I worked late, and left for the bar around 8:00, getting there and ordering scotch.

Diary o[f] a Sex Addict: The Next [M]orning with the Nurse

Note: This is the continuation of the earlier story, as people requested.

July 3, 2015

When I woke, I re-adjusted in bed, flipping the pillows and pulling myself up slightly. For years, I had the habit of sleeping slightly inclined to alliviate my allergies. I looked next to me and saw a messy dark ponytail draped over Emma's shoulders, just peaking out from underneath my comforter. I thought about last night and my less than stellar performance. I chided myself for not having masturbated for days beforehand and exploding inside her after only five minutes of sex. Of course, as soon as I thought of last night, her moaning softly and my cock sliding into her from behind, the familiar quick heartbeat and pleasant swelling started.

I looked around my room at evidence of last night. Emma had put her panties back on – only her bra lay on the floor, next to her jeans and nude heels, scuffed on the side. Girls always somehow manage to put their underwear back on after sex – I was completely naked – my half erect cock still with that stickiness from having worn a condom the night before. I knew she didn't have to go to work this morning, but I did. My firm has a very relaxed policy on the matter, but I try and get in before ten to avoid arousing suspicion. It was seven forty five as I scootched back down in bed and spooned Emma, taking a breath of her ponytail, which smelled vaguely of berries – I guessed Herbal Essences.

Diary of a Sex Addict: Fucking a Nurse from OKCupid [M/F]

Note: As many people asked for other stories, I've written up my most recent adventure. I am a twenty nine year old male.

July 2, 2015

I had messaged Emma and we started going back and forth in mid June. The amount of people on OKCupid in NYC really makes using it an absolute charm. There's a list of about ten things you can talk about – and with Emma it was travel. We compared where we'd been – of course her photos showed her propping up the Leaning Tower and in front of the Eiffel. All taken on study-abroad when she was in school at a very white college in Connecticut known for its nursing program. I suggested we meet at Ginger Man, one of my preferred Manhattan bars. Our pre-date text exchange was textbook for the "funny, goofy girl" trope.

"So how will I recognize you – will you be wearing hospital scrubs?"

"Haha. No silly, I always dress up for dates."

"Oh, so this is a date now? I thought it was just drinks – we aren't in a relationship yet are we?"

"Lol, I don't think so."

Diary of a Sex Addict: The Door [M/F]

Note: I have just found this sub – been reading stuff all afternoon. I've decided to share some of the things that have happened to me. I actually do keep a diary. These experiences are real – I record them, and reproduce them here with as much clarity and detail as possible. I hope you can all enjoy them along with me. I am a twenty nine year old male.

5/10/13 8:42AM

I woke and I had a headache – the particular kind you get from a long night of drinking, right behind the eyes. I wasn't in my own bedroom, or bed. Next to me was a tanned shoulder with a sheet tucked under one arm, and a slosh of brown hair messily done in a ponytail.

"Hey, do you have to go to work?" I asked as she stretched.

"I don't have a meeting until ten – when is it?"

"Eight Forty Five"

"Ah – shit," and with that she threw off the covers and walked over to her closet. She was wearing red cotton panties – the type you put on before passing out after drunkenly bringing a guy home. She had no top on and I could just see the curve of her breasts as she walked into the closet.