[MF] Campgrounds are fun; shhhh, not too loud.

I threw a Dirtyr4r post up to explore what was in the area. Typically these result in nothing of substance but last week I got a message from a woman who was local to me. I didn’t put a lot of stock into it, she is married with kids, about my age and has an open marriage. We chatted casually and started discussing options for meeting.

Because she is well known about town we decided that we would both brows through a shop in town at the same time and check eachother out.

She looked good, curly hair pulled back, short jean shorts small tattoo on her ankle and a nose peircing. Thin but hips and ass to die for. We glanced at eachother in passing in the aisle our eyes saying more than words ever will.

I left and felt my phone buzz in my pocket. She says ” you look great, I’m into it if you are?” I replied that I most definitely was. She responds ” I’m free at 1:30″ I was not expecting this to go anywhere today. But only thing I had to do was take a nap before work, guess that would wait.

Good things come to those who wait. [MF]

I met “Maria” on reddit over a year ago. She posted as a married woman looking for advice from a guy about her husbands behavior. I messaged her and we began to chat. After confiding in me the issues in her marriage and her husband’s behavior which was leading her to believe he was cheating, I reassured her I didn’t think he was. We continued to chat for a few weeks and then it died out like these things often do.

About 2 months later I get a new message from her. I had pegged him all wrong and she caught him red handed. Inspite of my previous impairment in judgment she asked for my advise again. I ended up being an anonymous and unbiased shoulder to cry on as she struggled through her situation. I gave advice where I could trying to present all angles as I precieved them. Long story short we became good online friends with access to eachothers social media and chatting almost weekly. Her marriage eventually fell apart and her husband moved out.