My husband and I are happily married, in a Hotwife marriage. Whenever I have a date with another guy, we have this process, this preparation to get ready.
We are traveling to Los Angeles in a little bit. He has a business trip, and I’m tagging along. We hope to piggyback on this trip, to have a little playdate on the side. So in preparation for the date – and this can be applied to any date really – my husband will start to withhold sex from me. Completely cold turkey. Now coming from having sex 3 or 4 times a week… to nothing, can be very excruciating.
This is part of our kinky, devious ritual, our preparation if you will. This withdrawal builds up this inner sexual energy, this lust, this anticipation within me. Like a spring compressed to its fullest, I’m just waiting to be released and unleashed. During my abstinence, my mind and personality start to change. Normally, I’m this kind, polite wholesome woman. But towards the end, I’m a complete mess. I turn into this cock hungry, cum driven rabid slut. When a man gives me any attention, I instantly think of how fast I can drain his balls. What position he would prefer me in. I imagine his head inbetween my legs. By the time when the playdate arrives, I’m like this starving animal, desperate to eat, to survive. But no, I have to save myself. Save myself for the playdate who would reap the spoils of my patience.