Unexpected reunion at the gym [FM]

A cold rainy Wednesday in winter. Quickly I run from the car to the door of the fitness studio. With a swipe of my membership card the doors open and I’m inside. Because of the late hour I enter the gym it’s desolated. I desperately wanted to clear my head with a workout before going to bed.

Within a couple minutes I change to my gym wear and start with my program. Wearing my headphones I’m oblivious to my surroundings. I use an old MP3 player so I can leave my phone and all the distractions that goes with it in the locker. Usually my workout takes about an hour if it’s not busy.

Coming here in the very late hours, after work, is calming and relaxing, not standing in line, waiting until someone is finally done. While I’m working on my chest muscles I suddenly see through the mirror someone standing to the station left of me. I quickly turn my head and see a woman standing there. I’m a bit shocked and my body shocks a little. “I didn’t want to scare you! Sorry!” You say. Immediately I smile back at you and I’m a bit embarrassed you scared me a little. “Haha no it’s fine, I had my music on a bit too loud. It’s not your fault. I just didn’t expect someone here so late suddenly.”