Natural Beauty (mf+, teens, cons, gay, school) [Part 3/3]

*The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy, not real life. Please treat it as such.*


Tom and Gale had to part company after the shower and they both made their way to separate classes, only stopping at their lockers to swap phone numbers. Gale’s was easy to remember but Tom texted her and saved the number anyway, even though she was younger than him they could still have a lot of fun together.

Tom rejoined his normal classmates in History, which they were already in the middle of. He wondered what Mr Grouton would have them do that was in any way related to History and he was surprised to find his classmates dressed as native americans. The girls were wearing small loincloths, leaving their breasts naked, and the boys wore nothing. Mr Grouton was telling them about different things the natives would do and the boys were finding it hard to understand that if a man was raised around nudity they wouldn’t have an erection all the time.

Natural Beauty (mf+, teens, cons, gay, school) [Part 2/3]

The grounds of Jefferson Washington High School were quiet today. No children yelling outside or running around. The whole school was serene and calm, as a place of learning should be. But today the children weren’t learning about history or math or english, today they were learning about how to see the natural beauty in each other.

It was second period, and Tom felt like his whole body was on fire after home room. He walked through the halls and kept bumping into other children at his school, which normally wasn’t a problem but today all of them were nude. He felt a couple of hands groping his dick as he made his way down to Mrs Arias’s classroom and he couldn’t keep the smile off of his face.

Natural Beauty (mf+, teens, cons, gay, school) [Part 1/3]

*The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy, not real life. Please treat it as such.*


The idea of “natural beauty” day was to let all the kids at Jefferson Washington High School know that everyone was beautiful no matter how they looked. Tom stepped off the bus in his normal jeans and t-shirt, his blue backpack slung over one shoulder. He was normal height for a Sophomore and had shaggy black hair that he let hang down to his collar. He still had a bit of baby fat on his face and the girls all thought it was cute, yet he had only had two girlfriends last year and now both of them were with other guys.

It was quiet outside today, normally the yard was full of people walking around and talking but today the administration had asked that all students come immediately inside and go to their homerooms upon arrival. A few Juniors that weren’t old enough to drive and still rode his bus pushed past him and quickly made their way up the steps and Tom followed behind them. He was excited about “natural beauty” day, not knowing what to expect, and felt butterflies in his stomach from being anxious.

Birthday Boy John (mf+, teen, cons, bi) [Part 1/?]

*The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy, not real life. Please treat it as such.*


John stood in front of the bathroom mirror, his small frame was still developing but he could see how his shoulders had broadened lately and a few dark hairs had grown under his thin arms. He turned to the side and looked down at his soft penis, it had 14 hairs around it (he had counted every day for the past week since he had noticed them) and it even looked a little thicker. He shook it and pulled on it until it started to grow and lengthen, he smiled and thrust his hips out a little. “Grow cock, grow long and hard,” he whispered and moved toward the running shower.