This happened about 10 years ago but is still one of the hottest experiences in my life.
When I was in my early twenties, my ex(lets call her A) and I had an on again, off again relationship, and would hook up pretty regularly. I had just moved to the city (montreal)for the summer, and was doing renovation work for a family friend when she drunkenly sends me a text one night, of her making out with a new college friend.( lets call her C). After a few texts back and forth, she told me she wants to come to town with her friend and get some piercings, and wanted a place to crash, before teasing me with one last picture of her and C.
A few days later, A and C came to town. A was your typical emo kid, she had snakebites and black hair, she was about 5’3″ and had a great little body she hid well. C was a bit more punky, with a red and orange mohawk, about 5’8″. She was pretty thin, but had a great rack and liked to show it off.