In December, after Christmas, my boyfriend flew to Los Angeles to meet my family/friends and visit me. He lives on the east coast, and though we met up 3 times prior, this would be his first time meeting those close to me. We stayed at my parents’ house the first and last night, and at AirBnbs the other nights. I took some time off work and picked him up at the LAX, and immediately we felt those sparks and butterflies again. It was so nice just to touch him, to kiss him, to breathe him in…he looked so handsome. Height and weight never mattered to me, but he’s tall and slim, with an angular jaw. Despite being half-Arab, he has long, wavy ash-blonde hair and light blue eyes (his Irish half is strong, I guess). He is sexy as *fuck* and I wanted to ride him right there in the airport. 😅 We head back to my car and immediately start making out. He’s already hard for me.