Speeding in South Georgia [FM]

Last month my boyfriend and I were headed to Florida to check out a house. We live in Atlanta, so we were looking at an 8-hour drive. We took my car and head out about 6 we’re cruising down 75 and talking about stopping at the next rest stop for a bathroom break. We get close and find out it’s gonna be closed I speed up because I’ve got to pee, and I need to get off the highway. Just then we pass a cop sitting at the closed rest stop who of course pulls me over and was nice enough not to give me a speeding ticket, but I do have a mandatory court date in a month, or I can have a lawyer come out.

Cue yesterday, thankfully court wasn’t until 4PM so we hang out for a bit then head out, the first time we got pulled over 2.5 hours into our trip, this time it was going to take a bit over 3 hours to get there driving the speed limit…well 10 over. As I’m driving I’m getting super horny thinking about my boyfriend rubbing me through my pants, I try to give him a hint by placing his hand closer and closer to my pussy, he’s not picking up what I’m putting down. Court goes well, I get off with no points and a small fine, my boyfriend offers to drive back, I accept, even though he drives exactly the speed limit.