Bad Bitch part 1 (M/F Teacher/Student)

You know that life, the one you have that’s safe sitting behind this computer reading these words. Yeah, the one that probably has you going to the grocery store to buy some comfort foods and you go to work like a real upstanding citizen. Well, that’s not my life, not even close. You see because safe isn’t typically sexy. Safe doesn’t even remotely get my engine revving, you know? Oh, yeah, I am sure you do because you are reading this. I am sure you are wondering, whatever does she mean? We will get to that in time. Let’s start with something simpler; S.E.X.

Such an intriguing word, sex. Those of you who know, know that sex is well just about like breathing. You wake up and all you want is a good fuck, but you look next to you and see either some old broad that you wish was still 20 years younger or no one so you suffice with a quick trip to handy land. Me, well being a bad bitch has its perks. I have spent nearly my whole life where you are now and decided……fuck that! So where to begin…..

Wet Dreams

Sitting, looking out the window yearning for you to come home to me. You had been gone for far too long. I missed your touch, the scent of your pheromones filling my nose allowing my body to become wet as it longs for you to enter me. The sound of your voice invigorating my mind, caressing my eardrums as the gravel in the undertone fills me with suspense. My mind begins to wander as I ponder your coming home.

I lie on the couch and begin to touch myself allowing my mind to delve deep into my psyche. You walk through the door, take off your gear and your gaze lifts from the floor to assess my whereabouts. Your eyes meet my foot draped over the couch as I stare at you startled that you had come home so early. “Y…you are home?!” I exclaimed, panicked that you had almost caught me masturbating.

Categorized as Erotica