**Notes:** *So, I gave myself a bit of a challenge) to improve my porn writing skills and get a feel for kinks that might be a bit out of my comfort zone (basically I put all kinks I could think about in alphabetical order and I am writing some filth for each letter). Of course, there is no point if nobody reads it, so here I am. It was supposed to be an easy enough deal, but of course, I had to start with something completely out of my depth! Damn you alphabet.*
*This piece of filth includes* ***Anal, Ageplay (very mild, and they are very clearly RPing)*** *&* ***Autofellatio.*** *I mostly write* ***Femdom,*** *so it comes with the package.*
*Ageplay is a kink I am not familiar with, but I approached it with an open mind and gave my own take. Both parties are of age and it should be clear at all points (I don’t really specify, but Rebecca is 20 and Lev is 27, if you are curious). As you can expect this is a pretty graphic piece of text. It’s still pretty wholesome, in its own twisted way.*