My appologies, this is actually PART 2
**Chapter 5**
As Queen stood up after cleaning herself and went to the sink to wash her hands her mind was rushing. On one hand, she had done something unspeakable, something her husband could never forgive. She had locked eyes with another man while urinating yet on the other hand she didn’t feel any different at all. She hasn’t hurt in any way. What difference did it make if this man looked into her eyes while she peed? She looked at me while washing her hands. A man she barely know yet had seen her in one of her most private moments.
2 hours had probably passed by this point. It was another hour until the electrician would arrive. As I looked at her from the side angle while she was washing her hands I was getting second thoughts about escaping. From the side, her breasts and buttocks bulged like camel humps on her body. I knew I can get so much more out of this if I get the time. I was fine being locked with this beauty. But I had to get her on my side otherwise it is all pointless.