Reality Meets Fantasy Pt. 2 [MF]

Part 1 [HERE](

Amanda and I have since gotten together 2-3 times. Mostly during the day. Kids go to daycare or something and we meet up. The sex has been wild and refreshing. We have not talked much about new things we want to try together since we both seem to be simply enjoying what we have recently discovered. We both have also noticed that it has improved our sex lives with our spouses, although we don’t really talk about that much. In fact, we don’t talk much at all outside of a bedroom. When we do talk Amanda and I chat almost exclusively online so we don’t always get each others’ messages right away.

I woke up one morning and got the kids to daycare before heading home to work. As is my custom, when I am alone in the house I pull up my messages and see if I have one from Amanda. As usual there is one in the inbox but I notice it is from the night before:

Reality meets fantasy [MF]

I downloaded Tinder for the first time earlier this week. The fact is I assumed it would be that easy. I spent some time browsing and liking women in my area in my age range and then after several days all I had to show for it was a few chats that went nowhere. Earlier today I deleted it. I have been on Reddit and Craigslist so many times I can’t count. While there have been a few times where the online sparks have kindled to texting back and forth but it always drags and fizzles. I find myself again and again turning to porn to satisfy these urgings in my mind.

Roadtrip [MF]

Davis closed the door to his apartment and locked it. He carried his suitcase to the car. He was ready. After several years of hard work and saving his money he had finally quit his dead end job and was going on the roadtrip. Davis was 28 and up until recently had worked in Baltimore. But he had grown up near Boston and aside from family vacations to Maine or South Carolina he had not really seen the US and was ready. For the next three months he was going to travel through the US. Starting by heading north and west he had hopes to see the northern states, the midwest, down the west coast and back through the south. He had no plans for destinations or timelines. He would drive when he wanted and sleep when he was tired. He would stay for several days at places he wanted and move on. Who knows, maybe he would fall in love with a new location and find a job there.

MFF The “other” woman

I roll off of his wife and can feel my cock rapidly getting soft again. For what feels like the thousandth time our love making was the same old same old. To me it feels likewe are in a rut and I can play out almost word for word what will happen next. I will tell my wife I love her (and I do, don’t get me wrong) she will say the same. She will go to the bathroom and take a shower and we will fall asleep. Typical Tuesday night. The same thing will happen next Tuesday. Sex has become scheduled. Between my daughter Adelaine’s soccer on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and my son Joshua’s extra Marching band practices on Mondays and Thursdays and the normal chaos of the weekends my wife Jess and I only find ourselves at home with the energy for sex one day a week.

College [MF]

First time posting. Apprecaite feedback but please be gentle.

It felt like we had met before. Or maybe I just wished we had. I saw you across the library at school as I was studying for finals and you reminded me of someone I knew. Or thought I knew. Either way my brain was pulled rapidly away from Psych 101 to your eyes. They are what got me first. They were green. They were also framed by some glasses that I am sure made some people assume you were nerdy or prudish but alll I saw them as were magnets that drew me into the depths of your eyes.

I have to admit your hair was also what got to me. It was red. Not deep red and not that stereotypical red that people copied with dye, no this was a light red that at times you describe as red or strawberry blonde depending on how you felt that morning.

Clearly that morning your focus was on school work and nothing else and so you would have seen yourself as “drab” or “frightful” in your sweat pants, baggy sweatshirt and quick ponytail but I could not help but simply picture us snuggled together watching some corny movie together.