Virgin adventures with my[23] reddit sex mentor[30] – Meeting and Lesson #1

Thought it would be fun to share these chronicles. Writing it all out so if it's too wordy for you, don't read. It's late and I'm just unloading as much as possible. Will edit later.

A little while ago, I posted looking for a fwb/mentor on reddit. It was done on a whim and I didn't expect anything to come out of it, but was ideally looking for someone nice, respectful, patient, and that I would be attracted to. My virginity has been a pain and I was looking to have a fun experience losing it and learning some skills along the way. Relatively untouched, my lack of experience made me self conscious and I wanted to learn from the right person. After sorting through many messages, one finalist stood out. As a poster in /massivecock, I was originally weary he would be too large, but he was funny, sweet, and very real in answering my questions. Confident, of course considering what he was packing, but not arrogent, and very laid-back. He made an effort to chat and ease my nerves for a full week before we met. We sent naughty photos back and forth and I was impressed with both his size and his sexy mischievous smile.