Affairs of a life – The Sales Meeting

Life was good. I had started a new business three years before, and it was beginning to show some promise. My husband Jack's business was now thriving. The past three years he had held a sales meeting for key clients, located on a very nice island off the southwest coast of Florida. As most of the clients lived in cool or cold weather climates, it was a wonderful winter break to attend these meetings where one could enjoy the warm weather!

This winter, the meeting would be held in the same location; they provided wonderful service and amenities. As I had in the past three years, I worked with Jack in these meetings. The format was pretty much the same for attendees: Sunday – arrival and cocktail reception that evening. Monday – business meeting in the morning, casual activities in the afternoon and dinner together in the evening. Tuesday – again, business meeting in morning, casual activities in the afternoon, then an awards banquet in the evening. Wednesday – attendees departed at their convenience, via transportation to the airport that we provided.

Affairs of a Lifetime – Martinique

Lis (short for Lisolette) tightly squeezed my right hand with her left, her eyes wide open as her hips bucked wildly, screaming "don't stop, please don't stop!" Pulling her hips to him tightly, he kept fucking her through her first orgasm in over six months, ready to take her over the top again.

Lis had been divorced for three months. A former client of mine, we had become rather close friends over the past couple of years. She had called me just three days ago when she found out that friends of hers had to give up a short trip they had planned to Martinique and offered her two seats on the plane and use of a small cottage on the island. Lis really wanted to get away for a couple of days, her divorce being finalized, and truthfully, I also needed a short break. The next thing I know, I'm looking out the window of a Gulfstream IV and the island of Martinique, beautifully surrounded by the blue/green water.

Affairs of a Life – I Begin Losing Control

It had been a beautiful Midwest fall day. Jack and I spent the day at a car show with our 1965 Mustang, meeting many fellow car buffs. While in very nice condition, mine was not a show car, but rather a "driver", because I got it on the road as often as I could.

We were heading to the airport, as Jack had an early Monday morning business meeting on the east coast. Stopping at the departure area, we hopped out of the car, he grabbed his bag from the trunk and kissed me on the cheek.

"Goodbye Laine, don't forget to pick me up Tuesday!"

As I left the airport for the 45 minute drive to our home in the country, my mind started thinking back to the recent past. A virgin when we married at twenty, and totally faithful until thirty, I found myself thirty two years old, and had been with three different men in the past year and a half. I am not proud — that's just how it happened.

Affairs of a Life – The Seminar

My name is Laine, and almost one year had passed my first affair. Unplanned and unexpected, it had taken me places sexually that I had never known. When it ended, I kept it to myself, and my husband Jack never learned what had happened.

I have worked very hard at making our marriage stronger, including trying to improve our sex life. Jack would have continued being happy with a quick five minute ritual on Saturday nights — missionary position only, of course. However, I continued at trying to make him more adventurous. One night I even got him to try fucking me from behind, my head on the pillow and ass in the air, but he made it obvious that he thought that to be strange. And when trying to share oral sex, that was totally off limits with him. I do not know if it was that Jack's penis was not very large, that he came almost immediately, or if it was something I was doing wrong. Regardless, I kept trying.

Affairs of a Life – First Time Cheating

It was 5:30 at our usual bar. For quite sometime, it has been a routine that my husband and I meet here when he's been on one of his two-week business trips. We enjoy a martini and he will have a couple of cigars, all while we catch up on life. We then pick one of our favorite nearby restaurants and enjoy a nice evening, sometimes ending with some pretty good sex, other times not, depending on how his trip went. Tonight however, he just sent me a quick text that his flight has been canceled and he is running to try to make another flight, but the best case scenario is that he will not arrive back from the west coast until early tomorrow morning. Well crap, no sex tonight for Laine and Jack.

As I was sipping my drink, my mind wandered back to the past, which seems to be happening more regularly lately, wandering back to those affairs that just seem to happen in life. Remembering what they were like, the excitement of touching a new person for the first time, the thrill, and sometimes the heartbreak…….

A younger man last night…..

Friday night at 1:00 AM. The most unlikely place you would find me is in a bar, but here I was packed shoulder to shoulder with mostly strangers. I had guests for the weekend, and they wanted to go dancing – and on our little quiet island there really was only one place to go. Because this was about the only place with live music and dancing, the crowd was mixed, from early 20-somethings to early 60-somethings.

My friends were having a wonderful time, I occupied myself with fruit juice and chatting at the bar with some acquaintances that I had not seen for awhile. And, I enjoy "people watching", so it was turning into a pleasant evening.

A nearby table of about 6-7 people was having a fun, if not rather noisy, time. They were celebrating one of guys 23rd birthday. I remember my 23rd birthday – about 30+ years ago… Actually, they were celebrating more than he was – he seemed to be on the quiet side. More than a couple of times he caught me stealing a glance at him…he appeared to be in rock-hard physical condition – always a pleasure to look at! One of those good looking guys that kind of make a girl "tingle" – or at least it does me.

Helping a Younger Man

Atlanta – December 2015

One week before Christmas. I had planned on being home for the Holidays by now, baking and putting the final decorating touches around the house. Most of my family had already arrived at my home, relaxing and enjoying themselves. But business had kept me longer than anticipated.

While walking the final four blocks to the Omni in downtown Atlanta, even with my overcoat on I was drenched from the rain. Approaching the hotel, a young man was sitting near the doorway. I opened my purse and pulled out a bill to hand him, knowing that all of us need a helping hand at sometime. Instead of taking the bill, he waved it away, asking if it would be possible to use my cell phone. Hesitating to hand my phone over, I asked if I could dial the number for him. I dialed the number he gave me, and as I handed the phone to him it was obvious that he was not someone who had spent long "on the streets". His hands were soft, and his young face was innocent.

I could hear someone answer the phone.