I’ve always liked Juno.
Although we’ve never been anything more than good friends (not even best friends), I still liked her.
She was charming, funny, smart, and most importantly really compassionate.
Of course, I didn’t love her because I don’t feel like I can’t live without her or something.
It’s just that I don’t easily fall in love.

But I do lust after her. Her thick, juicy lips, the mole on her chin, her marvelous hair. Then there’s her body. I prefer breasts and she’s got the perfect size. The way they jiggle up and down when she runs and the way they project outwards when she breathes heavily just makes me so horny. Her ass is also great but I don’t really care about it that much.

Honestly, I think she lusts after me too (or is in love idk) because whenever I turn around our eyes meet and I could tell that she has the same hunger I have. I mean I’m an attractive but shy guy who goes to the gym and I’ve had girls looking at me in several ways, but I can usually tell if they’re horny or not.

My Friend stole my crush. So I stole his mom…(M/F)

‘What is sex? Is it just physical? Or is it something more than that? Maybe it’s nothing more than just 2 (or more) individuals trying to enjoy themselves as much as they can…

Why am I attracted to girls? Is it hormones and stuff? Or just objects to derive my pleasure from? At the end of the day they maybe nothing more than flesh and bones’ with thoughts such as these Matt sat at the edge of his bed wondering about his sex life. He read on the internet about people saying that they are more than their sex lives. ‘But are they?’ he thought. He is 19 and still a virgin. Most of his classmates had already “popped their cherries”.