We’d met once… [Group]

Sorry guys it’s my first post and it’s going to be a bit of a long one. I really wanted to do it justice, besides writing it out with decent detail is gonna have me touching myself by the end.

So we’d met once, everyone got on well enough. There were some good laughs not too much awkwardness. Conversation wasn’t difficult. What more can you ask from a first date. Especially when it’s four people not just two.

I know on first sight my Mister (let’s call him T) is gonna die hoping he’ll get to undress her (let’s call her L). You can tell she’s got those tiny lil tits that are just so perky and perfect and gosh he loves that. There is no doubt he’s sold within the first twenty minutes. I’m not displeased with my prospect either(How’s J sound?). Definitely more handsome in person than the two photos I’d seen which is far better than having it the other way around. Things went well some board games, a few drinks, everyone agreed there would be a next time and it would be play time.

Cue the butterflies.