I would frequent a dive bar by my house that was open until 4am in Chicago pretty regularly in my late 20’s early 30’s. There was a pretty cute, kinda innocent looking half asian half white bartender that was always super nice.
We would flirt, and I would obviously try to take her home after her shift, but she had lived with her BF. She was proably 5’3 125 pounds with nice C cups and a little soft stomach, but beautiful skin.
One night I went in to get a night cap solo, and the bar was dead, and she was the only bartender. We were chatting a bit, and obviously I was making my 100th attempt to take her home. She then bought me a shot of Don Julio tequila and did one with me. After the shot she goes…Your dream is going to come true…I am moving back to Madison WI, and my BF already left with the Uhaul. Leave me your address, and I will be there at 4PM tomorrow.
I was slightly confused, but very turned on. I finished my beer, and gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek on the way out. She whispered in my ear “ANYTHING GOES!”