MY Story Guide for Outdoor SEX [FM]

I bring you a comprehensive guide to outdoor sex FROM MY EXPERIENCE . Remember to Love Nature Responsibly each and every Earth Day.

Weather: Plan for the weather accordingly. The nicer the day, the more people, the uglier the day, the less people you can expect, and the more wild the experience might be!
Blankets: Always bring a blanket, or two – unless you’re planning on standing up the whole time. In that case, you go soldier! But seriously, rocks, sticks, and spiky things hurt.
Volume: Volume control – beware of your moaning levels. Especially if you’re in a public place. But hey, don’t deprive yourself, if you’re loud you might just want to be somewhere near a festival, construction or airspace.

[MMF] Porn Stars Tales of Virginities Lost: How I Lost My Virginity

Tales of Virginities Lost: How I Lost My Virginity These stories make me feel like my first time story was boring as all heck.

Tales of Virginities Lost: How I Lost My Virginity

Losing your virginity may be one of the last, awesome obstacles previously adulthood. Everyone realizes that the first run through is regularly cumbersome, kind of unique, and… awkward, which is the reason such a large number of us contribute insane measures of vitality for strong first-time experiences. Here, because of a gathering of lethally sincere perusers, we have the unbridled truth. These first-time stories are crude, unfiltered, and—trust it or not—absolutely obvious.

Tales of Virginities Lost: How I Lost My Virginity


I went to a young men’s non-public school amidst no place. Vagina was about as uncommon as a fucking Himalayan snow panther. Truth be told, we were wanting to the point that we’d pull off wandering off in fantasy land about Gerta, the Austrian lunch woman, who was not a photo of ladylike sexuality. Two or three times amid the year, we’d have these weak moves, which—on the off chance that you didn’t as of now have a sweetheart—resembled the main chance to get down. In late-harvest time, the first of these moves happened. Transports of other tuition based school young ladies were trucked in for an occasion that was as managed as a visit to a North Korean grocery store.