I Cheated on my Boyfriend at Work [F/F] – 3

*Hey gws, I posted about some [craziness](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3xicjg/i_cheated_on_my_boyfriend_at_work_ff/) in my life just before Christmas, and then posted a [second-part/update](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/40d0kx/i_cheated_on_my_boyfriend_at_work_ff_2/) a bit later. It’s been a while but I’m back with the third-part! I honestly never thought I’d still be doing this, but I think I’ve come to rely on gws as a bit of an agony aunt or coping mechanism or something. Knowing that hundreds of people have seen the posts I’ve written really helps in those moments where I kind of want to scream about it all. So thank you just for being here and reading. Also I’ve had a lot of PMs in addition to the comments. I just want to say that like 99% of them are not creepy or weird or rude or inappropriate (even if they’re understandably negative) and I’m really grateful for that. I’ve had lots of advice and perspectives and I appreciate all of it – even (especially) the ones that don’t reflect favourably on me.*

*Just a couple of notes to begin:*

*1) Plenty of details have been changed, because I do not want to risk this getting out, even though the chance is incredibly small.*

I Cheated on my Boyfriend at Work [F/F] – 2

edit: read from here to skip to the wild bit.

Hi gws. I posted something crazy that happened to me here and it was really really great for me to know other people were seeing it, and it was nice to be able to contribute to the sub as well. So I thought I’d write up the next bit and post it. I actually contacted the mods before posting this because of how long it is, and what my options were for cutting it up, but I never got a reply.

Once again details and stuff have been tweaked a lot. I have also written in a lot of the talking between Izzy and me. Obviously I kind of had to make it all up from memory, but it's true as far as I can remember it. Same goes for all the details I guess. It’s mega rambly and stupidly long because I’m just going through everything step by step in my brain. Like, every detail I can really remember. It’s definitely helping me get everything out of my head. So the disclaimer is that there are pages and pages of words where I don't 'go wild' in any way. Obviously though this is gonewildstories so you can infer from that what you like… I've tried to break it up into chunks with lines of *XXX*s so you can zoom ahead if you want to skip all my rambly thoughts.

I Cheated on my Boyfriend at Work. [F/F]

I’ve changed some details about this because I could get in a lot of trouble if it came out. For that reason I might not answer too many questions. Well I won’t be too specific with my answers at least.

My name's Helen I’m a very normal person really. I’m outgoing and like normal stuff, and I have an outgoing boyfriend who likes normal stuff too. We both exercise a lot together and we’re both in good shape which is something important to both of us. But other than that we’re like any couple. Our sex life is fine too, and the only complaint I have is that he doesn’t go down on me nearly as much as I would like. But it’s not a big problem really. All in all we’re very happy, we live together, and are planning a future. So I never thought of myself as a cheater, which is why it’s so weird to me that I’m writing this. Part of me writing this is because I want to share something with a subreddit that I have enjoyed for a few months now (made an account for this!), and part of it is to get it all off my chest because it's been a weird few weeks.