Before you make your judgments, know that I never intended to find myself here. It's a big secret, what you're about to read about. It's a dirty secret. Embarrassing secret. Shameful secret. I have a BA in Anthropology, and am a passionate people-watcher. I don't judge, because it takes all kinds to make the world go around.
Humans are sexual beings, curious and sexual. How else would our species have succeeded? It is in our genetic code to spread our gene pool as much as possible in our lifetime. Whether we like to admit it or not, humans are not monogamous creatures. We pass ourselves off as such for reasons that society imposes. For that reason, sex sells, and sex will always sell. Prostitution, for example, is the oldest profession in history. With that being said, I am not a prostitute.
For those of you who are perhaps naive about the term "Webcam Model," I can only say that the name of the profession is misleading. A Webcam Model is one who puts on a show (I use this vague term for a reason) for money. Visitors to the website that you are broadcasting on are primarily men. Depending on the website, different tipping or payment systems apply. In short, I appear on a live webcam stream in exchange for money.