The Taste of You (poetry) [straight m/f]

Her Lips

Are lightening, the last drag on a cigarette

And I suck till

The Fire

Deeply inhaled

The burn on my throat.

The taste of you on my tongue.

It is in that moment

Just before you pull away

That I feel the desperation

Of an addict

I pull you back into me.

It’s my weakness, not yours

And while my mouth says


My heart whispers

Don’t go.

When I exhale, it hurts.

My eyes feel heavier

My chest feels emptier

And my mind instantly remembers

That you aren’t mine

And that every kiss

Is another line, cut

From your personal stash.

I pull because you feel like home.

You push

Because you know

That I would drink you in


Until it kills us both.

Office Politics

You know the effect you have on me and just how hard it is to resist you.

When you walked into the office the way a ballet dancer would after a performance; lighter than air and with the grace of a swan landing on a lake without causing a ripple. I noticed your heels first

**tap, tap, tap**

Across the hardwood floor of the office. That sly half-smile when you glanced my direction. The same heels you wore Wednesday last week when you drew me into the copy room to ask me if I remembered the kiss.

Christmas office party, and you were in that tight pencil skirt and ugly ass sweater. I didn’t think much of you then, just a coworker having fun at the party; but when you grabbed my tie and drew me under the mistletoe and into your lips, you became my every obsession. Like a drug, I need you.

You asked if I could help with the machine, but the way you bit your lip told me you wanted more. When you drew the shades and locked the copy room door, it happened. It was dark, but the tingling touch of your hands wrapping around my neck, the wet taste of your tongue flicking against mine was like a line of Columbia’s finest; my heart beating a furious cadence.

Categorized as sexystories

Office Politics [Straight]

You know the effect you have on me and just how hard it is to resist you.

When you walked into the office the way a ballet dancer would after a performance; lighter than air and with the grace of a swan landing on a lake without causing a ripple. I noticed your heels first

**tap, tap, tap**

Across the hardwood floor of the office. That sly half-smile when you glanced my direction. The same heels you wore Wednesday last week when you drew me into the copy room to ask me if I remembered the kiss.

Christmas office party, and you were in that tight pencil skirt and ugly ass sweater. I didn’t think much of you then, just a coworker having fun at the party; but when you grabbed my tie and drew me under the mistletoe and into your lips, you became my every obsession. Like a drug, I need you.

You asked if I could help with the machine, but the way you bit your lip told me you wanted more. When you drew the shades and locked the copy room door, it happened. It was dark, but the tingling touch of your hands wrapping around my neck, the wet taste of your tongue flicking against mine was like a line of Columbia’s finest; my heart beating a furious cadence.

And yet, I Reach. [straight]

And yet, I reach.

She tell me to grip harder; but it’s your hair I’m pulling, not hers. Your lips I’m tasting, your cunt I’m feeling.

It’s not healthy for me: this obsession over you. This uncontrollable feeling I have when I see the scars you left, scratches down my back. It’s a rune you’ve carved into me; a curse you’ve bestowed upon me. I’m unapologetically yours.

Oh and I’m trying hard to get you out of my mind. It’s not like it’s difficult for me to get dates; and I have dated. I’ve bought her drinks, I’ve even had stimulating conversations with her. She probably thinks we’re compatible too.

When the night is late, I’ll even lean in for the kiss. I’ll tell her how much fun I’ve had. I’ll invite her back to my place.

When we end up at my place, I’ll entertain. I’ll play her songs I wrote for you, about you. She usually just tells me they’re sad, or sexy, or both. She’ll probably ask for another drink, or sometimes we’re sparking up a J on my porch.