[F]ucked my ex best friend’s ex [M]

When I was 16, still in high school, I had a best friend called Mary Anne. She was the definition of boy crazy.

When Mary Anne got a boyfriend, you’d never hear the end of it. Everything she said had to include him somehow. He’d hang out with us after school, go with us to every party. It was never ending.

His name was Marshall. He was our age, but way taller than both of us (we’re both pretty short, around 5’4), medium build, short brown hair. Just your average guy, but apparently a savage in bed. I got to know him pretty well from all the time we spent together, which was something Mary Anne wasn’t thrilled about, but oh well.

Fast forward a few months, Mary Anne cheated on him while he was on vacation with his parents. I was there when it happened, told her not to do it, but she wouldn’t listen. She did, however, beg me not to tell Marshall, and… I told him anyway, and he promptly broke up with her.

The time my boyfriend [M] fingered me [F] on a bus

My boyfriend at the time and I had been together for a bit over a month and had just gone on our first little get away together. Of course, it involved a lot of sex, but I can tell you about that on another day.

So there we were, on the bus on our way back home, listening to music and sharing earbuds. It was dark and the lights were out. It got kind of cold, so he covered us with his jacket. Soon I felt his hand on my thigh, and he had such power over me that I automatically opened my legs. He caressed me all over my inner thighs and crotch until he decided that wasn’t enough anymore and unbuttoned and unzipped my pants.

Now, as I previously stated, we hadn’t been together all that long. We were both pretty young and inexperienced. And I especially had never considered that my boyfriend could have been an exhibitionist. And that was fucking hot.

Without hesitating, he shoved his hand in my pants and started feeling around. He found my clit with relative ease, having gotten so well acquainted with my body the last few days, and started rubbing it. Hard.

The first time I [F] fingered a girl

After the first time we made out at the party, Ginny and I would text frequently. It was always a little flirty, but when she invited me over claiming her parents were away on vacation, I was a bit surprised. I didn’t think she had any real interest in me, but apparently I was wrong.

It was a Tuesday afternoon in the middle of summer. We both had the day off from work and I walked to her place. The entire time I was agitated, my hands were shaking, but I always had a hard time telling anxiety and excitement apart.

She lived in a beautiful blue house with a small front yard. I knocked on the wooden door and she promptly opened it, her hair flying away from her face as she did. She smiled wide and greedily, spreading her arms and pulling me into a big hug.

By then, I was so nervous I almost didn’t hear what she was saying. She told me about some tiktoks she saw and finally asked if I wanted to open a bottle of wine. It was 5pm somewhere in the world, after all.

My [F] bisexual awakening

Hi, everyone :)

This is my first story. Let me know how you like it, I might write more :)


I must’ve been about 18, maybe 19. Up until that point, I had never really considered that I might be bi. Sure, I thought women were beautiful, but doesn’t everyone?

Then came the person who would become my best friend, Ginny. She came into my life in a funny moment. We had friends in common and met at a small house party, where of course drinking was taking place. We found ourselves drawn to one another, being the only two who had a preference for vodka over beer and no interest in partaking in any games. Outside, sitting by the pool, we started chatting and soon found out we were both getting over bad breakups.

“Their loss,” I thought of her ex. Standing in front of me was a beautiful, tall brunette with long legs and small breasts. Anyone who saw her would’ve taken her for a model, and that only justified my surprise when she leaned in closer and asked if she could kiss me.