I think I found the greatest job in the world.
Last month, I graduated high school, and went in search of a job for the summer.
My parents told me that if I wanted to have cash for spending, I would have to earn it.
So off I went in search of employment.
I discovered that the working world wanted people with years of practical experience, along with skills that matched the companies needs.
How was I going to get the required experience, if no one was willing to hire me.
Interview, after interview, I was told we’ll get back to you.
Of course, I never heard back from any of them.
Two weeks ago, my buddies, and I went out for pizza, at our local hangout.
While we sat waiting for our food, the owner walked over to the front door, and hung a sign that read.
“Delivery driver wanted, inquire within.”
figuring I had nothing to lose, I snatched up the sign, and walked over to the owner.
“Mr Green, I would like to work for you, I have a good driving record, no tickets, and I’m always on time, on top of that I don’t have much else to do this summer.”