I [F] Watched Two Friends [MF] Get Naked and Almost Fuck Right in Front of Me


I am not your stereotype. I teach high school in the suburbs during the pandemic. I’m a young female teacher, only a few years out of college. I’m a nerd and a gamer, and I’m also a lesbian and a stoner. AND I spend most of my free time lesson planning and grading like the good little perfectionist that I am. So basically nothing about me makes sense.

That being said, pandemic teaching is hard, and my Friday and Saturday nights have become the place where I let all that stress and anxiety out. It’s my time to let loose and not give a single flying fuck. This summer, I found out the person I teach next to likes to party. Like, on your ass planning to completely disassociate from reality the next morning. Despite being nearly 50, this gal and her friends of varying ages and sexualities get together once a week to get completely shitfaced and take a variety of drugs including MDMA, shrooms and bud. Even for someone whose young and went to a party school for college, it’s INTENSE, but I keep finding myself going over for some reason. Because most of us are on Molly, the night usually ends with the couples going off to fuck, while the single ones like myself either sober up and leave or crash. Simple, right? Hmm