He begged for a blow job, but I was the one who ended up on my knees [FM]

I’ve been at a resort town in Turkey for work for a few months. Not knowing a lot of people, I’ve often explored the area or gone out for dinner or a drink on my own. This one cool little place, I liked the food and it was less touristy than others. So I started going once or twice a week.

One guy always seemed to be working. I found out later his dad owned the place, but that he mostly ran it. He was mid 20s and for this story, I’ll call him Z. I’m 33, so a few years older than him. Within a few visits, he started flirting with me a little or commenting on how beautiful I was or how much he liked my smile. How he loved American girls and that it would be a dream to go out on a date with me. It was innocent and I just would smile and encourage him to find a local girl or someone closer to his age.

Hookup with Turkish guys who recognized me from a little porn I did 10 years ago [MFM]

This is my first attempt to write about any of my experiences so please be understanding.

I’m an American currently living and working in southern Turkey and I’m single. About 10 years ago, I dabbled in doing some porn after college while visiting Europe. It wasn’t for money so much as having new experiences, some rebellion and the feelings that might come from it. I did this when I was between the ages of 22 and 23 and I’m now 33. I was never super famous or anything and rarely ever got recognized in public then or now so for me, I never had any major negative stigma from it.

I met Ahmed (30) and he happened to be a huge fan and knew my scenes really well. He had his own porn aspirations when he was younger, but never pursued being in any scenes. Ahmed is about 6’1”, very athletic and with nice tanned skin. While the conversation wasn’t all sexual, it didn’t take long until he was talking about my scenes, asking questions about them and my current sex life. I found him respectful but also forward about sex, his desires and what he wanted to do with me. His English was very good so he articulated quite well his every thought.

[FMM] I’m working on writing a book about my life as a porn actress. Can you provide feedback on the intro?

I am not sure if this is the right place to post but I was hoping to get feedback.

This is the introduction to a book I’m working on. Everyone says I should write a book about my experiences in porn including how and why I chose to try it for a while.

I’m going to write about many of the scenes I was in. Details on what is was like, my sex life outside of porn and other things that might be found interesting.

This is a very brief introduction. What do you think of this introduction and would this be a book you would be interested in buying or even reading if it was free? What types of things should I write about or explain in the book?



A week of soul searching, nerves and excitement had led to this moment. I was face down and naked on a massage table. My soul searching complete, I only felt nerves and excitement. So started what would become my very first porn experience as an actress.

Confessions of a real porn star. What it’s really like in the porn industry.

I’m a 26 year old female who was a porn star. I still cringe at the title of porn star since I wasn’t a famous porn actress. But in reality it wasn’t my goal to be a star. In fact I shied away from any opportunity to be a star. I was asked to make different choices to be a star or more well known but chose a path to remain less known. The main reason is I knew there would be a stigma attached to what I did that would follow me my entire life. And if I was famous, I wasn’t sure I was strong enough to face that the rest of my life.

I feel compelled to write this now because of all the negativity I see around about porn and the porn industry. In some ways porn is more accepted than it’s ever been. But in other ways the media and the recent Hot Girl Wanted documentary paint a picture that isn’t accurate since it only shows one side. With being involved in porn come accusations, assumptions and sometimes a hatred for it. I’m hoping that in some small way I can show a different side.