I’m Your Biggest Fan Part 4 – – Final

This is the fourth and final part of my story. Please see previous posts for the rest or check the full story link at the bottom.

The YouTuber took a moment to compose herself, cool off and catch her breath, and maybe make sure her still wobbly legs were okay to walk on. Just to be safe she followed the mezzanine down to the other set of stairs on the opposite end. This would take her to the same area below but there was nobody down at this end which gave her time to descend slowly. Each step found a leg pulling her jeans in just way that felt like a shadow memory of the tongue that had just been on her pussy. Each step was a memory wafting away like smoke in the wind. She ate me, thought Lexy. She ate my pussy. I’ve never had another woman eat me out. I’ve NEVER had another woman…down there before. She could feel her face blushing and her pussy tingle. Of course, she continued thinking, I’ve never played with another woman before—touched another’s boobs or…pussy. She couldn’t stop using the word as it kept exciting her more and more. Pussy. I’ve never gotten another woman off before. Her face was on fire and still each step was another memory in between her legs until she made it to the bottom.

I’m Your Biggest Fan (Part 3)

This is part 3 of my story. Please check out the first two parts in previous posts or in the full story link at the bottom.

“I never knew I had so many fans.” Said Lexy to herself and she smiled and rolled her eyes. Her head was swimming. She felt confused and not quite sure how to process any of this. The one thing she knew for sure was that she was NOT ready to head back out to the convention floor or to be surrounded by so many people just yet. She looked up to see the balcony of the mezzanine. In other years she could recall that being the way into the convention itself but it looked deserted now and that, with some air, was exactly what she needed.

I’m Your Biggest Fan (Part 2)

This is part 2, please check out part 1 in a previous post or the full story in the link at the bottom.

Lexy left the convention room and went into the hallway to find the bathrooms. The Men’s and Women’s rooms were separated by a partition with a water fountain when she found their location. Naturally the line to the women’s room was far too long to wait on. She took a drink and began to walk by the Men’s room to perhaps find another restroom but noticed no line here. With the partition nobody would see her and as risky as it may be, she needed a place of quiet to herself for just a moment so she slipped in.

I’m Your Biggest Fan (Part 1)

Console-Con was in full swing and the attendance was impressive. This gaming and nerd culture event was celebrating its tenth anniversary and had seen so much growth in such a short time and this year found it to be booming not only with vendors, artists, and guest stars but a plethora of online influencers and content creators of all sizes. There were people from Instagram and YouTube who had thousands, hundreds of thousands, even millions of followers that very well challenged the celebrity of the TV and film stars on hand making their own special appearances. Deep within the crowd there were also the smaller channels and accounts, all sharing in the good times and many working hard to carve out their own niche. Among them were “Geek It To Me” a husband and wife duo on YouTube with only a couple of thousand subscribers. They thought themselves already lucky to have come this far but pushed to make it even further as they tried to move their brand here with their own nerdy kind.

I’m Your Biggest Fan

A content creating couple at a nerdy convention split up and the woman is pulled into a world of mild sexual adventures from attendees claiming to be her biggest fan.


Categorized as Erotica