Met a lovely girl in DuPont Circle after work M/F

In the words of a great American philosophier Nicki Minaj, I was feeling myself after a work HH. Queing at a red light stop somewhere along Massachusetts in DuPont, my periheral vision caught a dark hair light skin girl. She was a petite girl with that city look and that proper city clothes. We appeared to be unusually close to each other and naturally I said something – I don’t like people getting too close for no reason. Something struck our chords and we just started talking. Iris was her name.

Turns out Iris was a grad student at JH and has lived in Singapore and Edinburgh. I am pretty worldly myself, we connected. I instantly went on a date with her and stopped by gasuza for quick drink. I had to make it quick, it was getting late and I had ulterior motives. We left after our drinks, she had water as I remember.

We arrived at her apartment. We lingered and hesitantly invited me in. I made sure it would be a better decision of her life so eventually when I went for a kiss, I made sure to take care of her. I explored and kiss her body and slowly stripping off her clothes. Her nipples were rock solid at this point. She had a soft, peitite body which I absolutely loved.