Desires sated. Dom & Eve, part 2.

Eve listened to Dom going about his business, very aware of the persistent, sometimes throbbing, warmth between her legs.

He’d walk to and from between her car and his shed, each time she’d find herself watching the muscles of his chest flexing beneath the tight fit of his t-shirt, and the bulge in his jeans.

She watched him walk towards her, past the kitchen window, and imagined racing to the side door and into the alleyway down the side of the house, and imagined the smile on his face as she took his manhood in her mouth.

She was imagining the pleasure it would give him, to look down at her, smiling up at him with her mouth full. She was thinking how sexy she’d feel if he came as quick as she thought he might, and realised that she was trying to make herself get the courage up to do it.

She took a breath in, and was just about to turn around when she felt his hands on her waist. She’d been so lost in her thoughts she hadn’t heard him come in. When asked if she needed anything from the shop, she casually replied not and gave him an intentionally coy kiss on the cheek.

First submission; Sated Desires. (Sensual, Heterosexual, Curvy, Anal)

Sometimes you just wake up horny, full of desire and lust, and sometimes that can’t be ignored. That’s how it was for Dom that morning, and little did he know it, Eve felt the same.

They woke up next to each other, as they had for the past 5 years, but this morning was one of the now rare occasions when they woke up in peace as their 3 year old son Eden, had gone for a sleepover weekend at Granny’s.

Dominic awoke feeling Eve’s warmth against him, keeping his eyes closed as he appreciated feeling her buttocks pressing firmly against his morning glory, which had found it’s place during their unconscious embrace, between the perfectly smooth contours of her bum.
His left arm was draped over Eve’s waist with hers keeping it in place while he cupped as much of her breast as he could. They laid on their entwined right arms, each had been gripping the others hair in their sleep.

He breathed in the mixed scents of Eve’s shampoo with undertones of their sweat and last night’s lovemaking. He was appreciating his wife and his life in this way, when she began to stir…