**The morning sun beamed through the coffee shop window. My usual cup of orange juice sat to the left of my open book. My fingers instinctively reached out to grab the styrofoam cup to take a sip of the sweet citrusy liquid. Strands of my caramel hair had drifted down to impair my vision causing a sigh to free itself from my lips. I pressed the bridge of my glasses up my nose and pulled back my hair behind my ear before returning to pages of text.**
**The background noise of customers, coming and going with their morning coffees and breakfast treats. Some sat down at one of the many tables in the shop; even fewer came over to hit on me. I kindly disappointed all four guys who thought to ask for my number this morning. I had more than enough things on my mind that adding a relationship to the list wouldn’t be worth the effort. I at least understood why they came over, or at least, I assumed why. I was a pretty brunette sitting alone in the corner reading a fantasy book as my glasses slid down my nose.**