A Witch’s Punishment [Mf] [spanking] [fantasy] [blowjob] [dubcon]

A knight is travelling through a particular village when he finds out from all the locals there is a pervasive succubi problem. Not all places are as fond of magic as this one is. But luckily for them a witch has been selling a succubus cure. This got the knight thinking. What do the succubi want with this town? The witch had been mentioned a number of times and the knight finally asked if the witch was charging them anything for the cure. It was merely pennies, just enough to cover her materials. But he followed the trail further, wanting to meet this witch.

A young man led the night to the witch’s cottage. It was picturesque, not what you’d think to be a witch’s home. Potted plants along the front. Flowers pouring out of them, like waterfalls. The young man left the knight alone, who approaches the door before knocking. The knight hears clanking before a stumbling woman opens the door. He gazes down to see the witch. A rather young woman, with caramel coloured hair bleached from the sun flowing down her back at every angle. Her sun kissed skin and deep amber eyes didn’t scream witch to the knight. But never the less this was her.

The Wrong Door [Mf] [dubcon] [reluc] Part 3

He steps away from me, and I have to stop myself from panicking. I take my bag off and leave it against a wall. I feel like I’m about to faint as I walk toward the centre of the room.

The walls are a dark colour, somewhere between grey and pitch black. Towards the back corner there is some more red curtains. In front of them is a drink station. Adjacent to that, and either side of me there are the couches. Four men sat now. Two on either side, and the thief he’s standing at the drink table with his whiskey. I think he is the leader of the group.

“Tony, put some music on for the girl.” The man on the couch who spoke to me before snaps. A different man gets up and presses some buttons on the wall. Sultry music comes on. 

The Wrong Door [Mf] [dubcon] [reluc] Part 2

“What’s your name sweetheart?” Another man asks. He’s sitting on one of the couches, drink in hand, staring me up and down like meat. 

“My name’s ah, Faye.” Fuck should have given a fake name. 

“Oh well Faye, that’s a very pretty name, why don’t you come over here, have a seat.”

His words have me scared out of my mind and I freeze. 

“I um, I wasn’t meant to come in this room,” I clamour. 

“What do you mean?” 

“I was just trying to charge my phone.” 

Two men are seated on couches, one is in the corner on a call whilst this is happening. The man that originally spoke to me is pouring himself a drink. He turns around now. I realise how good looking he is, tall, broad shoulders, sharp features. I’m biting my lip in anticipation of his answer. 

“Well maybe we did forget to call a girl then,” he sounds sombre. I am about to turn on my heel to leave when his eyes hold me in place. He rakes his gaze down my body, and I feel as if I am being fucked without him so much as touching a hair on my head.

The Wrong Door [Mf] [dubcon] [reluc] (Part 1)

Authors note: there is a lot of build up to this story and no sex in this part

Edit: idk why the formatting is so weird, this is my first time posting.

The night air pricks my skin. If there weren’t so many people around, I’d be a little afraid about being out alone so late. I squint down at my phone to call Brea. This isn’t the first time she has gotten lost in the city yet she still doesn’t understand not to wander off. As I’m typing the numbers my phone becomes slower, and slower… until finally I can barely finish trying to call her. I pull down the notification centre only to see I’m on 1-percent and I didn’t even realise. Fuck me, I’m stranded 

I look around, slowing my pace, the ambient lighting coming from all directions as people on the street move past me in fast succession. I walk for a little while, looking for a club, or pub, or some place that might let me use their phone or a charger. I am becoming tired of walking, quite quick. I spot a building with bright lights, and a small line-up out the door. There are all kinds of people trying to get in, this seems like a good sign.